lmaooo stayed up all night reading this thread
top posts
- I like to put this on in the background. My favourite station is 7! [url]http://magictransistor.com/radio[/url]
- plan to bring in new users with a “bloard rap” lyrics something like “i was up late night BLOARDIN!” and then there would probably be some more lyrics but im not sure
- [quote=bug%20deal;%2Fbloards%2Fbloard2%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-two%2Fposts%2F7291] bloard 3...? [/quote] what the fuck, man, no
- cried into my broccoli today, new soup just dropped 💯
- Welcome to Bloard. It's a very inviting community, and I'm sure you will do well here. Be wary though, as some of the clowns from clown college escaped and now post here, and will try to initiate you into their fucked up circus act they call posts. Be stern, and don't fall for their shit. But most importantly, have fun. ☺☺
- oh hell yeah I love ponies [img]https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/yZKUhWVq5lNcSEUWkv4b81qP5wQ=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Icelandicponies-5c04a2c846e0fb00010a498b.jpg[/img]
- a new shiny bloard ..with all your favourite posts's, but chrome-y and phosphorescent+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++☺👓💬😵😻😻😻😻🙉🙉🙉🙉 PLUS: --movie theatre sidewbar for Twitch-style live-posting --comments section on every post --automatic Paypal donation service where each +1 == ¥100 **JUST SUM THOUGHGUHTGS** yours truly forever and ever, -jad
- hey guys, there's this christmas cracker joke I got that I've been thinking about for a while now, and I'd like to share with you guys the Top 3 Reasons this Christmas Cracker Joke is Strange and/or Fu***d up... please tell me what you think!!! Here is the christmas cracker joke in question. I found it in a draw and now its on the corkboard in my bedroom, sorry for the image quality [img]http://i.imgur.com/zTR0NYeh.jpg[/img] "HERE WE GO... LET'S GO!" 🎅 [b]number three: spooky subject matter[/b] 🎃 why is the joke about ghosts if its in a christmas product. hey, call me old fashioned, but ghosts and other spooky phenomenon have their own holiday and it ain't xmas. unless this is a spirit is of the holy variety (i.e. j chriddy himself, son of The Big Daddy thats right, Are Father who Arts in Heaven) it has no place being at the crimbo table. "it's a h'ween howler, not a christmas crack-'em-up" "BUT WE'R JUST GETTING STARTED" 🍝 [b]number two: what is goulash[/b] 🍲 so i understand that gouglash is a portmanure of ghoul and goulash. but what the fuck is goulash anyway. im not googling it but it sounds revolting, like the kind of thing that kingdad would have wrapped in tin foil in the back of his fridge. absolutely disgusting... i dont' want to hear about it. especially upon the Dec. 25th, where holesome, Christian Foods such as turkey and nutt roast's are on the table...! [quote]before we get to the grand finale (number one) here are some honorable mentions that didn't make the cut![/quote]ghosts =/= ghoulss, ghosts dont need 2 eat, ghouls aren't real, ghosts can eat more than one thing if they wanted to, ghosts cant actually eat anything because they are incorporeal, ghosts aren't real "IT's THE BIG ONE!!" 📝 [b]number one: spellin' spoofs & goofs[/b] 📒 i dont mean to point the big finger but whoever typed up this joke totally curled out a steamer. although it sounds like they understood the joke itself, when it comes to the spelling of either ghoul, goulash "or maybe both" they were tragically misinformed. I just don't understand where the second g in "Gouglash" came from. also, the "h" after the "g" in "ghoul" has disappeared, which is the only letter that informs you that it's referring the ghouls, a vital step in making the joke "click" with the reader. well, that about sums it up in a nutshell! thankyou for joining me on this journey everyone! i hope we all learnt a thing or two and had fun along the way! [b]SEE TOU NEXT YEAR!!![/b]
- shit. god damn it. i hate it. fuck. aaagh. aaaagh. crap. jeez. fffffucklestiltskins. aaaaaagh.
- I feel bad for pressuring you like this but not as bad as i felt looking at that smilie’s big boner
- to derek: happy mothafuckin birthday to everyone else: it dereks birthday today so bring your gifts to this threaf here you're go derek i got you this clump of seaweed [img]https://www.integrativenutrition.com/sites/default/files//styles/blog_-_headshot_body_image/public/amazon/shutterstock_279344777_0.jpg?itok=6zPrpnqT[/img]
- | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | FREE | | HORNY | | BLOARD | | ______| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || / づ
- people tell me a mysterious and horrible odour follows me around, can't seem to find the source, will keep everyone updated
- lift heavier weights each time. you go @att the gym. yes, i realize you will eventually run out of weights that are Heavier. but consider this: combine two existing heavy weights w/ duct tape to makie a heavier dungbbell etc, etc. if you wish to cconsult me further abt this business venture i will be in book bloard, raeding. g'day, poissey';s (curling 6lb weights)
- It's good man. It makes me feel like I have to love the posts
- I'm pretty glad Firefly got cancelled and I think people who say it was a great show are misguided and unloved
- Bump me up mate. I don't like where I'm at on that list.
- i've been remembering some guys lately, and i thought it might be good to start a thread for recently remembered guys. so if you remembered a guy in the past few months, post him here.
- thank you donkey konk we all love you [img]https://i.imgur.com/fIFrJHk.png[/img]
- -------------------------------------------------8<------------------------------------------------------------------------- the thread is now about bagles
- [quote=Chernip;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-bloard-hardware-store-rp%2Fposts%2F10526] He uh, he told me in confidence he’s hiding kids in the aisle with all the wall outlets! Take this guy down! [/quote] Boss he's still getting more customers than us! and i think people are stealing from us because there are no employees in our store 😟
- [quote=scout;%2Fbloards%2Fweird_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fgaze-into-my-chunky-crystal-ball%2Fposts%2F11455] give it to me OP [/quote] ball says....... a great time for you indeed, a great time for deals and bargains, lots of deals and bargains for you. look around you, there are good prices everywhere, bountiful and rich with good prices the world is for you.... bad news also though, a plague of locusts will descend upon your house every night for a year, kind of sucks :/