the pringles man but with a body
- i pledge to post on bloard forever. i will not stop posting even if i get coronavirus. if the site goes down i will email you all these posts, i will write them on the walls and scream them from the rooftops. i love to post, and no one can stop me.
- flail pictures as promised [img]https://i.imgur.com/pWll9jm.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IkAuxjj.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yTlfLmN.png[/img]
- nikoli tesla was pretty genius, had his head screwed on incredibly tight.... im thinking: [b]Nikolia tesla[/b] [b]pros:[/b] - well liked on reddit - inspired elon musk (iron man irl) -coils [b]cons:[/b] doesn't know what a patent is died(?) (ill update this later) [b]Genius Rating for nikolo tesla:[/b] 77.3%, thats pretty smart
- SORRY BUT IM LOGGING OFF OF BLOARD! 😔 Password*******..LOADING..▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 99% ▒▒ ERROR ! It is impossible to log off bloard. It means too much to me. Send to ten bloarders who you never want to lose. If you get 3 back, you're an amazing bloarder.
- [img]https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/portrait-male-proboscis-monkey-nasalis-260nw-1063811315.jpg[/img] here's what all of you look like!!
- tried showing my dad bloard. showed him all the cool stuff like gym bloard and book bloard. but now hes always on horny bloard and wont come out of his room 😩
- [quote=%E2%98%83;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ftravis-scott-meal%2Fposts%2F13152] travis scott fucks the burger and cums inside of it [/quote] you're the burger
- i'll be posting pictures of my new flail i bought in here when it arrives
- this is somewhat of a paranormal experience: last night i fell asleep and dreamt i woke up and of course as i do everyday, i logged on to bloard.com but my router was struck by a huge bolt of nightmare lightning and instead i logged on to "bloart.com" or as i now know it "nightmare bloard" i scanned the front page and all i saw was 3 separate threads dedicated to appreciating ants and bugs and also "chef_bloart" which was just full of chefs and recipes no good posts or funny irony, in fact all the posts on bloart.com were quite shit. so i decided to post on the only thread i could "ANT THREAD 3" i simply asked "hello how can i get back to bloard.com?" at which point bloart.com users "dadmilker" and "HugeMatthew" lambasted me for the rest of the night calling me "gay" and saying bloard was a "pussy forum" and then i woke up crying and came straight back to bloard
- im sure youve all seen the news but if not: [img]https://i.imgur.com/Cpfjwsz.png[/img] Horny is dead, and as the last bastion of horny in the world i think its our job to preserve and save horny so that future generations may remember. so i propose we turn horny bloard into a horny museum for all the world to see
- this map isnt even correct wtf? this country is labelled "lesbian" but its really called australia [img]https://i.imgur.com/TFU4CKa.png[/img]
- this picture? [img]https://kidssearch.com/picsearch/images/possum-pic-774x1032-b0e1f2e.png[/img] doesnt make me horny at all. just wondering about you guys
- thread for cards for the upcoming bloard tcg heres one i made earlier of swann [img]https://i.imgur.com/GH4lV8I.png[/img]
- would they like this amended version? [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mb4KkHY.png[/img]
- im looking at some of the stuff kd served up and i really dont think you guys should be eating this meal.. [img]https://i.imgur.com/6WLgae0.png[/img]
- its about that time :) [img]https://i.imgur.com/OuxNZsP.png[/img]
- from the ground, made of clay i think of them every single day sculpted to the form of a tiny man by ever careful magic hands :) filled with a cursed magic soul ,powered by words from this enchanted scroll!! it is such a huge delight to see the tiny golem's massive might!!!!
- sharing art you make. something i made to get this started [img]https://i.imgur.com/JqerEtr.png[/img]
- change your pic to the same one “snooby” uses hahah love that guy
- if i get president of bloard ill give everyone who +1'd me a signed picture of their face i also have other policies which I will be adding as the pre election period goes on. EDIT: policy number one: 10 plus ones monthly for every bloarder POLICY NUMBER TWO: add an instant messaging service to bloard POLICY NUMBER THREE: i will call a referendum to decide a bloard anthem that will play constantly whenever you open the site POLICY 4: posting education for new users, every post will be a good post no post deserves to go without +1's POLICY 5: stricter laws against people reading out other people's bloard posts in IRL and pretending they came up with them
- taylor swift used to be on bloard she let us name her kitten "retarsd"
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsmall-claims-bloart%2Fposts%2F11983] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CIanwxf.png[/img] [/quote] ive got lawyers crawling on this shit like flies on half an apple!!
- i liked the bit where the joker went down on a lady 😏😌 and then wehn he came up... his clown nose had come off 😁
- i had an idea for a post that im going to run by you all. so first its an image captioned "me before joining bloard" and im on the floor covered in blood and piss but then next is an image captioned "me after joining bloard" and its me on the floor but covered in a bit less blood and piss.
- i heard this was the only green the devs could afford after paying $30,000 for the domain name 'bloard.com'
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-bloard-hardware-store-rp%2Fposts%2F10479] *shoplifts an 8lb spool of lead solder* [/quote] another happy customer, fantastic
- 10 years mandatory bloard service oo-freaking-rah
- "my car is a bomb" stops tailgaters and is a good conversation starter with law enforcement
- so many stupid animals lmao thinking about hippos lol would post a pic but cant be bothered right now. chimps too, pretty funny. anyone know any other stupid animals? if you say im a stupid animal then you actually are one
- (i order a small bowl of olives and eat them one at a time with a cocktail stick, i will wait until 2am when the dj starts playing downtempo and then i will venture onto the floor and tap my foot a bit)
- [quote=Chernip;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-new-hardware-store-across-the-street%2Fposts%2F10590] *looking at that piece of utter crap store across the street, covered in loaded diapers the neighborhood ruffians have thrown at it, Pigfoot rambling and raving outside utterly naked and belligerent, while a ray of holy sunshine beams on my blessed store, inside chicks are admiring snooby flexing his one huge pec muscle and bindlejerry completes his transition into Blade the Vampire Hunter* RP... Open RP... I am a god in this world.... I cannot die [/quote] i am going to pee on your store.
- hello fellow internet enabled dads i am wondering what you think of the system of calling your kids "champ" when the succeed and calling them "chump" when they do not. keep on grilling in the free world 😬
- i brush myself up. i brush my self down. i get out of my chair. theres not a crumb to be found .
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-bloard-hardware-store-rp%2Fposts%2F10495] *pick up a machete* *Chops exactly 40% off of the propietors left arm* [/quote] (talking through tears) "thats $7.50 please, thanks for shopping at the world famous travelling hardware store"