top posts
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-new-hardware-store-across-the-street%2Fposts%2F10461] *pushes over the spinner thing that has all the house key blanks In it* where the beer [/quote] probably at a better hardware store (i.e. mine) ☝☺✋
- [quote=%E2%98%83;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F3948] ant man here [/quote] careful erik
- I'm officially declaring a war on book_bloard. Anyone who wants to be on my side sound off, and anyone who wants to be on book_bloard's side sound off. The name of my team will be "Anti-Book-Bloard".
- Saturday night bloard party folks....let's get sloshed and gather on da couch to watch the president of bloardville get elected on tv
- film with zany fool good. mine hope film have lots joke from film name. well, have good time with fool film, want view many more zany fool film. edit: oops made four word part post away from four word part post spot
- plan to bring in new users with a “bloard rap” lyrics something like “i was up late night BLOARDIN!” and then there would probably be some more lyrics but im not sure
- cried into my broccoli today, new soup just dropped 💯
- people tell me a mysterious and horrible odour follows me around, can't seem to find the source, will keep everyone updated
- I feel bad for pressuring you like this but not as bad as i felt looking at that smilie’s big boner
- [youtube]https://youtu.be/7PmUtmfTmbg[/youtube]
- i dreamed that i absolutely rekt someone on youtube comment section... he said something about my political views and then i told him '' drink bleach kid, kys' and on youtube i got so many thumbs up and eventually i woke up 😰
- [quote=Loves)%20.%20(Navel;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fba-ba-ba-super%2Fposts%2F12247] it makes you go bababa when you plug your belly button into a wall outlet. Here is proof [img]https://ibin.co/5EDwZyDyh2JJ.jpg[/img] [img]https://ibin.co/5EDxBR7uxo0j.jpg[/img] [img]https://ibin.co/5EDxM3HZEteH.jpg[/img] [/quote] this cant actually happen can it?
- I’m from buffalo Here we just call it dip
- lift heavier weights each time. you go @att the gym. yes, i realize you will eventually run out of weights that are Heavier. but consider this: combine two existing heavy weights w/ duct tape to makie a heavier dungbbell etc, etc. if you wish to cconsult me further abt this business venture i will be in book bloard, raeding. g'day, poissey';s (curling 6lb weights)
- | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | FREE | | HORNY | | BLOARD | | ______| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || / づ
- It's good man. It makes me feel like I have to love the posts
- love to relax at the PUB and watch the footy. drink the beers too 😌🇬🇧 all those are things i do with “the bloard blokes”
- Bump me up mate. I don't like where I'm at on that list.
- I'm pretty glad Firefly got cancelled and I think people who say it was a great show are misguided and unloved
- Welcome to Bloard. It's a very inviting community, and I'm sure you will do well here. Be wary though, as some of the clowns from clown college escaped and now post here, and will try to initiate you into their fucked up circus act they call posts. Be stern, and don't fall for their shit. But most importantly, have fun. ☺☺
- let's hear em *doing the "gimme/c'mon" gesture...cmon let's hear em. cmon then
- hey get that afternoon crap out of here this is for mornings only
- shit. god damn it. i hate it. fuck. aaagh. aaaagh. crap. jeez. fffffucklestiltskins. aaaaaagh.
- oh hell yeah I love ponies [img]https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/yZKUhWVq5lNcSEUWkv4b81qP5wQ=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Icelandicponies-5c04a2c846e0fb00010a498b.jpg[/img]