Everyone give me a + on this post, please plus me
- I am President. Greens don't matter. I am strong and taking over.
- i did tindr once, thought the girl of my dreams was actually into me. i should have realized right away that was a red flag. i answered the door and it was my fucking bully, donovan, and he gave me a titty twister so hard that it made me fall to the ground crying. that app is fucking bullshit OP.
- Just look at my posts and click +1. That's how you bloard.
- cool thread... think i'll just mosey on in lmfao... fuck you... [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/794/41300855812_c57eb53e67_b.jpg[/img]
- sucking on my titties like you wanting me callin me
- [quote=Snooby;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fooh-can-i-post-here%2Fposts%2F5484] and so, the troll's come to bloards shores.... [/quote] [quote=Chernip;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fooh-can-i-post-here%2Fposts%2F5483] and so, the trolls come to bloard's shores.... [/quote] [img]http://media.beliefnet.com/~/media/photos/entertainment/movies/galleries/alice-in-wonderland/thetweedles.jpg?as=1&w=400[/img]
- *reads the post, then turns towards the camera, then turns back to the post* WTF
- What the hell, it's full of freaking turds! I can't believe I have lit up, and inhaled, the fumes of burning turds! Ah Christ, there's no getting out of this one!
- Turding in the shape of "Bloard dot com" on the white house lawn while they're all sleeping
- You don't leave Bloard. You'll be in a cafe, or walking down the street. You'll pass someone and do a double-take. "Was that Bloardman?", you'll ask yourself. You'll see someone out of the corner of your eye, typing on a laptop and staring at you. You'll turn abruptly, only for them to be gone. "Could it have been... Joop?", you'll wonder. Then one night you'll be walking home after a long night at the bar, only to find yourself followed. You'll run into your house and turn off all the lights, trying in vain to get some shuteye. As you're about to fall asleep you'll hear it. Faint at first, but growing louder every minute. "Where's my Bloard? WHERE'S MY BLOARD?!". As you hear the sound enter your house, as you listen to it move up the stairs, you'll know. You'll know that you need to post on Bloard again. As soon as possible.
- lol, looks like snooby's rival, Claude, has entered the thread. [img]http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1580687.1389811783!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/amtue-1021c-chimp4-ko.jpg[/img]
- farting in a tube that leads to a room beefsnack is stuck in so he will slowly perish
- the real bloard dance [youtube]https://youtu.be/_UVfqA_2pcA[/youtube]
- ok enough playing nice lets jsut fucking kidnap them
- “Want your Bloard, Joopie?' Pennywise asked. 'I only repeat myself because you really do not seem that eager.' He held it up, smiling. He was wearing a baggy silk suit with great big orange buttons. A bright tie, electric-blue, flopped down his front, and on his hands were big white gloves, like the kind Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck always wore. Yes, sure,' Joop said, looking into the stormdrain. And a Swann? I’ve got red and green and yellow and blue...' Do they post?' Post?' The clown’s grin widened. 'Oh yes, indeed they do. They post! And there’s Bloardman...' Joop reached. The clown seized his arm. And Joop saw the clown’s face change. What he saw then was terrible enough to make his worst imaginings of the thing in the cellar look like sweet dreams; what he saw destroyed his sanity in one clawing stroke. They post,' the thing in the drain crooned in a clotted, chuckling voice. It held Joop's arm in its thick and wormy grip, it pulled Joop toward that terrible darkness where the water rushed and roared and bellowed as it bore its cargo of storm debris toward the sea. Joop craned his neck away from that final blackness and began to scream into the rain, to scream mindlessly into the white autumn sky which curved above the internet on that day in the fall of 1957. His screams were shrill and piercing, and all up and down Twitter people came to their Timelines or bolted out into their DMs. They post,' it growled, 'they post, Joopie, and when you’re down here with me, you’ll post, too–' Joop's shoulder socked against the cement of the curb and hillips, who had stayed home from his job at The Dick Sucking Factory that day because of the flood, saw only a small boy in a yellow rain-slicker, a small boy who was screaming and writhing in the gutter with muddy water surfing over his face and making his screams sound bubbly. Everything down here posts,' that chuckling, rotten voice whispered, and suddenly there was a ripping noise and a flaring sheet of agony, and Joop knew no more.
- Tattoo a plus on your bellybutton so that they can push it every time you make a funny. ☺☺
- I'm kind of feeling the same, and if I can be serious for a second, I'm trying to make some big life plans so that I actually have some direction for the final few years of my 20s. Now with that out of the way... I'm weed yoda
- Yeah, or in your case, your one, single, long, curly hair was given to you, because you have a long singular strand on your head
- Funny, I too was invited to work out in Erik's garage. The instructions he gave me took me down a winding country road with almost no lights to speak of. I don't think anyone lives that far out, or at least I didn't at the time. I was just about to turn back when I saw his "house" in the clearing. [img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7iYK7SK_ZDI/VsDN47tjwYI/AAAAAAAAAi8/LWOcqUyr6AU/s1600/[/img] Against my better judgement I decided to be polite and knock on the door. "Little" Erik (he was 6'8 and weighed at least 400 lbs by my recollection) opened the door and walking me inside towards the "fitness room". What was in there was appalling, a dirty rusted up toilet, a toddler's trike with a computer monitor tied to the handlebars, and some rusted up scrap metal he called weights, but I didn't want to be rude so I feigned a simple workout while I planned my escape. I must not have been paying much attention, I was a little freaked out, because Erik slipped away for a moment and came back looking like this (I managed to snap a picture): [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ov3oKe7mBZo/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] He kept saying "now the real workout can begin" and throwing ants all over me. I couldn't take it anymore and took off the "workout chains" he threw on me earlier, and made my escape. The whole time he was chasing my car and crying before I finally lost him and got back home. I don't think Little Erik cares about working out at all, and I highly discourage anyone from going to his garage for sets and reps. This Little Erik guy is kind of a jerk!
- ACT 1, Scene 2 Setting: Later that night in W. NEAT's room Background MUSIC (Featured on Soundtrack as theme of W. Neat): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWJoGSmrM8 W. NEAT is sitting alone at his computer crying, as a group of young kids troll him and start blowing up large chunks of his personal Minecraft server W. Neat is slamming on his keyboard and hyperventilating in between sobs as he attempts to regain control of the situation [TROLL KIDS] Hahaha, fuck u nerd, we're blowing up your house [W. NEAT] God dammit! God dammit! *brings fist down onto desk dramatically while turning red* This would never have happened if I hadn't given those dorky white males that Bloard!!!! [TROLL KIDS] Bloard's ours now Grandpa!!! *PAN OUT FROM W. NEAT'S WINDOW TO STREET VIEW OF HOUSE. FROM OUTSIDE WE SEE THINGS BEING FLUNG AROUND THE ROOM. END SCENE*
- [img]https://cdn1.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/1200x800/public/images/methode/2017/03/27/35ba2872-12c0-11e7-8424-32eaba91fe03_1280x720.jpg?itok=LJaC5X4b[/img]
- i once had a dream as a kid i was walking down a long hallway and at the end of the hall the closet door swung open and a rabbit in overalls walked out, ran up to me, and started punching me in the face. i was screaming and screaming and he kept punching me and i woke up with a bloody nose really awful dream to tell you the truth
- The elections were a sweep, and it wasn't even close. I have the greatest political mandate in all of Bloard history. Now heap your praises on me, my bloarders! I am in charge now, and every trace of Bloardman will be stripped and removed from this site! There is only me! [img]https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/field/image/Legendary-African-Warriors.jpg[/img]
- installing bloard monitors onto the homeless so everyone on the street can bloard
- *you smell the thing before you see it. it smells awful, and quite frankly you realize right away that it's hillips and no threat at all and walk past him and go out the door*
- you ever hold magnets to your balls and watch your dick start spinning arround and going haywire? haha guess i better go to bed
- [quote=orgamecha;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffamous-bloarders%2Fposts%2F5414] stephen hawking was a bloarder and thats what killed him [/quote] ya, why do you think he always had his little computer on him? he was bloarding.
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fode-to-kingdad%2Fposts%2F7580] i follow kingdad on twitter. his tweets are for the fucking birds!!! no good! [/quote] hmmm.. *funny foreign accent voice* you die now!
- I love to crawl around on my knuckles and lick up every ant I see! Haha!!!!! Yumm Yumm Yummy!!!!!!!! I scream that every time I see an ant and just start licking them up!!!!! I'm also 6'5 and will kick your ass if you say anything.
- [img]http://i.imgur.com/Md5kM2K.jpg[/img] name: Harmony age: 27 breed: Not really sure likes: buttons and wooden posts dislikes: Being challenged, llamas, other dogs, slaps to the face, hiking enemies: other animals in its enclosure, llamas, people stronger than it Talents: weighs 250 pounds and can crush anyone who enters its pen, mysteriously appears outside my window at night BRain power: very very low favorite movie: Lost Highway idols: black phillip, the dog from all dogs go to heaven