Ever I hear them
In bed
When I close my eyes
Shrill screams and wailing women
They are still pointing
They are still laughing
One thousand years later
Cause my little penis is out
And I'm pissin out my hole
A river that flows eternal
- from the ground, made of clay i think of them every single day sculpted to the form of a tiny man by ever careful magic hands :) filled with a cursed magic soul ,powered by words from this enchanted scroll!! it is such a huge delight to see the tiny golem's massive might!!!!
- oh hell yeah I love ponies [img]https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/yZKUhWVq5lNcSEUWkv4b81qP5wQ=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Icelandicponies-5c04a2c846e0fb00010a498b.jpg[/img]
- hey yall get in here it;s pony corner [img]https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/12706092_f1024.jpg[/img]
- Cool ponies erik šš
- Iām trotting about
- Red barn pony- graze the straw growing on lone star soil. Life is a gallop and a kick against your neighbors' deadwood. Your master has a swayback metal roof to climb you on, and a hundert year old ground to plow for nuthin'. In between your velvet ears all the world is contained in a pack of coyote yips. i'm fucking gay bitch.
- [img]https://www.thatsfarming.com/uploads/news/resizeExact_1200_800/16902-tomtyson.jpg[/img] this could be us but you grazin'
- Poetry Corner Hijacked by tricksters All I wanted Was to be a limrickster Ponies abounding All over this thread Till I pull out my gun And shoot off their head
- just wrote this to capture my internal sadness Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Here we go Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou That's it Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidi houdihoudi dey dou That's all, all right Everybody now here we go It's a brand new version of the do see do Just stomp you feet and clap your hands Come on everybody it's the hampsterdance Bounce in time, to the beat Hey, you don't even have to move your feet Just shake your thing, let me see you move Now spin around and feel the groove Yee ha! let's try it Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou You're catching on Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Terrific come on everybody clap your hands Come on everybody it's the hamsterdance Come on everybody cla clap your hands Come on everybody it's the hamsterdance Here comes the music yee ha! Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Dibidi ba didi dou dou Di ba didi dou Didi didldildidldidl houdihoudi dey dou Ha ha ha ha ha
- https://twitter.com/kingdad42/status/1215748060350828545?s=21
- [img]https://c8.alamy.com/comp/M9MC62/chestnut-pony-peeking-out-his-box-stall-M9MC62.jpg[/img]
- an adult pony is called a ponald
- im doing quite a bit of galloping and leaping, some whinnying also
- [quote=meowkittens6;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-poetry-corner%2Fposts%2F12512] im doing quite a bit of galloping and leaping, some whinnying also [/quote] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NeedyWellinformedGorilla-size_restricted.gif[/img]
- Ponies are clopping All over my dreams Galloping, trampling Ignoring my screams Tortured each day By a new pony pic Hooves crushing my balls And smashing my dick
- [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/ZPKA8hg390ZP2/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47essr2hrtcvbix6jgzz7kldlv1ech0estodxdxgw3&rid=giphy.gif[/img]
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/QCy4KFP.jpg[/img]
- this mf posted a donkey pissing in the horse poetry thread
- Ever I rest upon this bed Sweating. Horny. Filled with dread. Sadman Fatman Get your money homie The world awaits...