Hit the Cherndog with some digits my man [quote=Snooby;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fcool-movies%2Fposts%2F10625]
One Time I watched Falling Down with a girl and she talked shit about it the whole movie so the next time we watched a movie together she picked Purple Rain and I talked shit about Prince the whole time and she didn't call me again.
top posts
- [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/3/happy_beluga.jpg[/img]
- i trained a hyper-intelligent hog to + good bloard posts for me but then he +ed this one and i had to have him put down
- [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/b7/9e/fab79ec2f4b4b0adb698b1f47568a9c4--fred-flintstone-wilma-flintstone-costume.jpg[/img]
- *pick up a machete* *Chops exactly 40% off of the propietors left arm*
- oh god no... it's finally come out... my name is steve mcqueen and i make "my wife" jokes meta-unironically...
- i'm smelling like a creature from the lost plains
- [quote=orgamecha;%2Fbloards%2FRecipes%2Ftopics%2Fbiscotti-policy%2Fposts%2F9755] the only rule we have is that when ever someone says sone shit that's biscotti, you have to respond with "that shit's biscotti" [/quote] That shit’s biscotti
- [youtube]Lrc-AMjhrkY[/youtube]
- My friends, it seems, today, that I would be twenty one yearsss of age.
- i did not notice but i do know that if you beat youare meat at incredible high speed you can shoot energy waves out the dick hole possible intereference with radio tech? some dude (not me) jerked off at 2400megahertz and blew up his microwave i know this
- H-hey! Pick up those 5-10 year old dvds! Those are classic straight to home release films! Who do you think you are!!
- when you scratch your ankies after taking off socks when you put some meatball
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhey-beefsack%2Fposts%2F7464] Hey beefsnack sure but I was talking to beefsack. [/quote] oh man i feel so super emberresed :(
- i was on bloard once when i had just found the site and there were only like 10 threads. i tried to show it to my friend but to my horror he decided to make an account and drop a couple of fartposts... we're not friends any more but its not because of [url=https://bloard.com/users/redditor-35]the bloard incident[/url], im just not good at keeping in touch with people.
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F13454] there was a single one of those much bigger than average ants crawling across my kitchen sink yesterday. i literally took everything out of every cupboard and checked under and behind every appliance this morning for more. somehow just one of those fatass ones got in [/quote] i waas lookin for chips. dont be rude.
- I had extremely long hair from about 11-15 years old and it looked bad because I didn't put in the effort to take care of it
- hey sir I am looking for some metal screens for a project I am working on. I'd also like some candy bars if you have any.. I'm thinking like those snickers ones with peanut butter? do you know the kind I mean?
- catches my hat before it technically leaves the board quadrant, while doing a backflip and eating 2 cookies, like a fucking baws 😁
- had a dream last night i found guy fieri behind my buddy's sofa because his hair was sticking out, and when i went to take a good look at him he handed me an empty jar of salsa with a spoon in it and said something along the lines of "get rid of the evidence"
- I noticed I was left off the list and that can only mean I am already your friend
- PSA: going out of business sale, liquidating all stock everything 40% off 😞
- sayin no matta what happens during the day, at the end of the night, no matta what, I'm drunk with 2 bitches!! https://youtu.be/IqdeH8QxHMQ
- is it good or bad? i think its bad. sorry but thats just how i feel.