saturday nights alright for bloarding! like the eton john song :)
im reasonable but mods please delete this post
- puncturing my dick with a sharpened phillips screwdriver because it's mf saturday night
- All right it’s Saturday night!!!!
- Sadurdeenite
- trying to fit this entire loaf of bread up my ass because it's sahditty night
- do you remember... the 21st night of September..... let's dance to earth wind and fire on this saturday night bloard night folks!!!
- im doin the bloard dance im doin it!
- Guess what time it’s gonna be in a little bit
- I'm imprisoning my penis in a gilded cage because it's sahdurdee night
- I’m cookin’ rice and bloardin’
- *burrrp* wossop
- I'm using unsterile tools to tattoo shameful, hateful things on my dick and ballsack because it is saturday night
- saturday night !! saturday night !! saturday night !!
- What’s that? It’s Saturday night on bloard? Oh baby oh yeah oh baby!!!!!!
- saturday night im gonna fuck a fish
- Was on the cum pew turr and realized my dick was out and resting on my right leg (which it does 83% of the time) and remembered it is Saturday Night. Bloard Baby!!! I’m having a bloard baby! Bloard reveal Feb 3rd, 2020.
- [quote=littleerik;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsaturday-night-bloard%2Fposts%2F11672] I'm using unsterile tools to tattoo shameful, hateful things on my dick and ballsack because it is saturday night [/quote] [img]https://hushkit.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/picture490-1.jpg[/img] been thinking about how cool it would be if someone tattooed something like this on their dick actually
- that would hurt so bad
- Looking forward to Saturday Night!
- it s wensday
- lol fail... tfw it wendnay [img]https://i.imgur.com/BhMZDCZ.jpg[/img]
- i got so toasted off of biscotti beers that i thought it was saturday night
- Guess what buddy it is
- had a lot of asparagus tonight and i just got home and took a whiz. my pee pee smelled like doo doo. saturday night is lit fam 🔥🔥🔥
- just had the most satisfying facial pore mask experience of my life god fuckin' bless america
- massive protest outside your local city hall* SATURDAY IS BLOARD DAY! SATURDAY IS BLOARD DAY! *pepsi commercial* [guy drinks pepsi, turns around and says "now if that aint bloard"] what if it was the bloard of directors. like just us guys at an office hanging out having a meeting alright i thnik thats all for now. happy sasturday night bloard
- achieving the best erection of my life by shouting filthy obscenity into the mirror, into my own face because it’s Saturday night
- i scream at my balls to get horny
- its saturday night baby im screamin' at my balls in the club
- eating a big ol can of crisco because [img]https://i.imgur.com/c7tPw6k.jpg[/img] it is saturday night
- uggnnnnn its monday...ehahnnn..aaa..
- using some needle nose pliers and a vice grip to peel my penis apart like a banana split because it;s saturday nite
- having a bit of a laugh due to because it’s saturday
- Watching the preds bruins game, drinking some Julmust (famous from IKEA) and simply enjoying some saturday night bloard
- Tonight starts my 2 week break and it feels like saturday a lot so im posting ni the saturday night bloard thread
- putting the barrel of the handgun in my mouth and daring myself to either cum or pull the trigger because it's the start of haunted_shrub's vacation and that sort of feels like saturday night and plus I already had the gun out so it seemed like I was halfway there already
- the gun is loaded with cum
- Hey everyone what are tou doing tonight (saturday)
- just hanging out