My latest idea is to get a big celebrity like Art Garfunkel to make a marriage proposal on Just think of the publicity following this - Art Garfunkel Proposes To Long-Time Sweetheart On and other similar headlines on prime time news broadcasts across the world, causing unheard of amounts of viewers to ask themselves the question: What exactly is anyways?
This question will be carried to the family dinner table, and then eventually into the streets, schoolhouses, and office buildings that we've all come to know and love. People across the globe coming together with a newfound sense of community and adventure, all hoping to decipher the great riddle of what is that website that Art Garfunkel used to make such a beautiful proposal for marriage? Close friends and family members of Art Garfunkel will, of course, be the first to hear from the man himself about the beauty and purity of along with all of the bloards inside it that he has had the pleasure to explore.
First, Art Garfunkel will describe his experience in gbs, the entry point for all bloard users and the top quality content and riffs that he discovered, ironic or otherwise. His journey will then take him through the rest of the bloards that are often more specialized but no less abundant in content for those who wish to find it. Gym bloard, book bloard, gym and book bloard, Horny bloard, and even the reclusive secret bloard have all revealed their wonders to him, causing him to want to use this medium to propose to his girlfriend that they should get married.
Following this vivid description of the magic of from Art Garfunkel, the bloard proposer himself, his closest loved ones will go out into the world to tell everyone to log on and live the experience for themselves.
What exactly is, you ask?
We jsut shoot the shit on there
Mister Spigetti
- I'll admit that it started out ironically, but it did get less ironic as the post went on. Am I gay? Honestly, no. Can't say that I am. Do I love too take a crap? This is a tricky one because it varies from situation to situation. Some are good, some are bad. The use of "too" was ironic however because I know that it's grammatically incorrect. The second sentence was completely true and not ironic. Sorry for the confusion.
- Who are you talking about... A mirror?
- So I just got on the train in Dusseldorf I'm going to Amsterdam with my friend. It's a connecting train from Stuttgart. So anyways I'mon the train and I start browsing bloard and I see something I've never seen before. A little bloard green square popped up on my screen and it said "15 Bloarders nearby!" so naturally I had toget up out of my seat on the train to Amsterdam and see who these bloarders were. I was walking around to the other train cars and I picked out all the classics that we know and love such as chernip, claire, the slow learner, and hell, even the bloardman himself as well as Swann. So naturally I went to go talk to them and shoot the shit on the train to Amsterdam but as soon as I approached them they put their phones away and pretended that they had never heard of bloard. I persisted for several minutes repeating all my favorite bits to them but they just got annoyed so I sat back down. Anyways I'm now dubbing this the bloard train to Amsterdam because of all the bloarders on the train and it's going to Amsterdam
- [quote=toilet%20man;%2Fbloards%2Fweird_bloard%2Ftopics%2Ffour-letter-words-only%2Fposts%2F11644] "four word only" make come back this week ... make dumb guys have uses them head onto here just this once π four word game test what hide back your fore head, cant join?? your must have dumb face area also just read here some guys gets band with kick from mods when dont post four part word. good, them fool cant even math, four very easy even baby know this?? ππ [/quote] Good idea when bans used with plus four part word guys. This page only with wits, Horn page with four part word page make good webs rate, make high post rate with many noob join site each hour
- It's that time of year again, time for the annual Horny Olympics meaning that it's the Horny Olympic s 2020. As we all remember from years past, the Horny Olympics went very well and we ALL "got our Horny on" in some tasteful way that really showed what we're all aboout here in So now that it's that time of year again, let's try to get in the spirit of Horny bloard by making the best posts in here and amassing as many +s as possible. Happy Hornying! Reminder: Claire is queen of Horny bloard, and any posts may be removed and users banned without explanation at my discretion.
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloards-threads-to-avoid%2Fposts%2F5063] if you ever find yourself on [b]"Horny Bloard"[/b] immediately click the X at the top right corner of your browser. nothing good has ever come out of that place [/quote] Jealousy is a disease bitch
- Now this post right here should speaak for itself. I like big bloard and I can not lie so I'm just going to lay it down and be real with you. What this website needs is some more horny posts in my Horny bloard, as I've said before but this time I really mean it and I just logged back in to say it as well as seeing what's up with the rest of you wchich I can do on another bloard that's non-horny although the content won't be as good as it will be here. So, my plan is this. Step one - post more in Horny bloard. Step two - there is no more step two because once more people start posting some quality horny posts (no anime) in the appropriate bloardd, (Horny bloard), then the website's ratings, membership, and participation will skyrocket and we might even be able to attract ssome big names like Kim Jong Skills and the Lizardman who to my knowledge have never posted on any bloard or even created an account. So, to sum it up, let'ss all make some nice horny posts in Horny bloard. And remember - anime posters will be banned! EDIT: I've just seen that Kim Jong Skills is, in fact, on bloard.
- I win bithces . Better luck next time B-)
- Baby yoda gain fame with many porn vids, have huge cans that make good show. Film guys seen baby yoda fuck vids, want make real film star from baby yoda. Baby yoda must earn part hard ways. Star wars show have spot open, take baby yoda into cast
- It's mbeen a year since last I posted on bloard at least according to the time stamps on my last postst before I started posting again today, and here's what I've learned since then. Well basically its' a whole year later since I was posting on here and what i've learned through my meditation (as I've been meditating for basically the whole year, which is how long I've been of board) is that if I want to get more +'s on my posts then I just need to get some real classics going. But, "how does he do that?" might you ask? but the answer is that I've got just to be thinking of some more wacky scenarios that I can post about or some nice replies and non swquiturs that will make people like Chernip be thinking "That was a pretty good post, maybe I'll give it a +." And that's basically what I've learned in the past year since as you may have noticed (or not) that I haven't been posting for about a year now, Maybe I'll think of some good posts to put up on bloard when I'm in France (where I'll be living for ~6 months starting September 10th, hehπ). EDIT: The "bloarder's wish" that you see in the title is that you all give me more +'s
- Thinking of naming my band as Metallica what do you think of this name? Is it good? (COOL or FOOL)
- Here we go, here is the moment we've all been waiting for: It's the longj-awaited Horny Olympics medal ceremony. I don't really fell like making one of my usual long-winded posts so I'll just get to business and onnonuce the winneres of the very popular 2020 Horny Olympics here in Horny bloard. Bronze medal: moog - Best rack Silver medal: Loves) . (Navel - Most + on a single post, plus you just gotta love a Horny name like that. It's a real winner if you as me as well as the other judges who decided to gove Loves) . (Navel the silver medal to the 2020 Horny Olympics. Gold medal: toilet man Thank you all for participating the 2020 Horny Olympics, let's let the spirit of Horny and Horny bloard never die
- Hey bloarders, since we've recently had a big influx of new members coming in, I thought it pragmatic to creat a thread where we can introduce ourselves and get to know one another. Say hi, post a little fact about yourself, maybe even show your Horny side! We've got a whole bloard dedicated to that called Horny bloard where all the best posts happen and I highly recommend that you all check it out. As far as introductions go, here's mine. About me: Body like one Shrek fucking another, mind like a sunfaded Tonka truck. Looking forward to meeting all our new members!
- I'll bse announcing the Horny bloard horny olympics 2020 medalists soon I've got to get the judges together and we'll [ost te results some time I don't know how e re judging them yet. Sorry for the mess ups while typing i'm too horny from all the plsts
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F5365] no matter what side of the divide you're on vis-a-vis ants, you gotta hand it to em. they got a load of fucked up parts with hard to say names. [img][/img] [/quote] I gotta say, I am a fan of the gaster. Maybe if ants had 2 gasters and no alitrunk then I would like them. Unfortunately that isn't the world we live in
- Three ants wearing a trench coat walk into a car dealership. The dealer says "Open that thing up, I don't trust like that" but the ants can't do it because then their true nature is revealed. What do they do in this situation so that they can still buy the treasured 1997 Nissan Altima and not get killed or removed from the property?
- Bird post nice. Hate that grey bird with long neck that says HONK. They walk into road, don't move when cars come, they mean. Want neck kick this bird. Plus bird name have more than four part (can't type bird name here)
- Thnkas for the support everyone let's get this post to 22 +1s so it can become the new top post on bloard. I don't think there are even 22 people who use this ssite
- When I was in the high school marching band we were coming home from a comptetition and one of the ladies in the band had to go to the bathromo really bad but the buss wouldn't stop and when we got back some people chose to give her the nickname "Pissbody Rebecca"
- Small brain: Whats your facebook Normal brain: Whats your instagran Glowing brain: Whats your twitter @ Space brain: Whats your bloard
- Well you saw it here first by reading the title. Basically bu reading the title to this post you know that I'm back on bloard and I'm about to get on Horny bloard and that's something that you all should be asare and active about. I've also got a second chapter to my fan fiction that I posted a while aog saved in my phone drafts maybe I'll fishit and post it to bloard or maybe Horny bloard if I've got the time. I'm in France the countyr's on lockdown again so I definitely have toime but basically what it all comes down to is if wheter or not I feel like writing it. I had a longer title to the thread but bloard made me shortien it because it was too long so if there's something in the post thats not clear particularly about somthing that was made clear in the thread title then that's why
- [b]Are you there, vodka? It's me, Goku.[/b] Author's note: This is my first attempt at fan fiction sso please go easy one me but be honest π It was a sunny friday in Station Square and Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were having a blast with their new friend Goku, who they just met the day before when he was looking for the Dragon balls in the Mystic Ruins. "I'm having a blast with you guyss on this sunny day in Station Square! Plus I only have one Dragon ball left to go before I have the whole set!" said Goku as he was flying around on his cloud with Knuckles also on the cloud riding with him. "Yeah!" said Tails. Goku was flying over Station Squeare on his magic cloud with Knuckles also with him on it. Sonic and Tails were flying together as usual in his custom plane that he likess to work on back at his workshop in the jungle just outside of Station Square. Sometimes Knuckles would also jump off and do his glide move to fly around a little bit and then Goku would move down to catch hm and it was a lot of fun. One time they saw Amy hanging around the Twinkle Park and they all took turns swooping by to squirt her with bottles of Piss that they had all prepared together earlier for this exact scenario. "Boy, I'm glad we all agreed to fill up thesse bottels of Piss together back at Tails's workshop! This is even more fun that I thought it would be when Knuckles gave us the idea," SSonic said and the rest agreed. Except Amy, of course! Ha ha "Grow up, you guys! I don't even know who that last anime guy is but I can already tell that your a right Bastard and you need to go back to where you came from!" Amy said, angrily. She tried to get away by running through Twinkle Park but she was no match for Sonic and Tails in Tails's custom plane and Knuckless and Goku on his cloud. Why she didn't jsut go inside, nobody knows. When they were all out of Piss in their squirt bottles that they prepared earlier, Goku gave her one last smack with his magic staff and then they left her alone. Later in the afternoon they decided to fly out over the ocean. They went out really far, so far that they cou.ldn't even see the land any more. They had lots of fun out there playing gamess like Tag and they also used Goku's magic staff to do a little fishing. They laughed and joked about they thought they saw Froggy out there and Big the cat was a dumbass and he would never find his friend. When it got late they decided that it was time to head home so Sonic and Tailss went back to Station Square and Goku was giving Knuckles a ride back to Angel Issland. "We've been flying around for a really long time! I think we might be lost," said Knuckles after they were flying around for several minutess over what they thought was the Mystic Ruins. "I'm going to do my glide move to see if I can fly around and find out where we are." "Ok," said Goku. As Knuckless was flying over the jungle, he was surprised to see bullets flying up at him and as he wass trying to get back to Goku's magic cloud one bullet sshot hm in the head and he fell to the ground like a damn ACME safe in a Roadrunner cartoon and one bullet also went through Goku'ss magic cloud and sshot him in the ass because it's a cloud and it can't stop bullets. "Fuck that hurts!" ssaid Goku as he got shot in the ass! "I knew it! This issn't the Mystic Ruins at all, this is the much-hated jungles of Vietnam!" Goku was about to go down and fucking destroy those Viet Congs when he heard a familiar voice calling for help nearby.. He flew to where the voice was coming from and he was surprised to see that Sonic and Tails alsso went that way and they got captured by the Viet Cong. "Hang on, you guys! I'll get you out in just a second," said Goku. "Not so fast, monkey boy!" Goku turned around to see Dr. Robotnik and also Yamcha closing in on him in one of Dr. Robotnik's many flying machines. "I believe that you've got something that we've been looking for," ssaid Eggman. "No! You can't mean my six Dragon balls!" ssaid Goku. As his reply, Yamcha started tossing the last one in the air tauntingly and Dr. Robotnik opened up a sack showing that he had collected all of the sseven Chaos Emeralds. "Oh no. This means trouble," said Goku. "Goku! We can help you beeat them if you get us out of here!" said Sonic. Goku huard him and quickly disspatched of the platoon of Viet Congs that were holding them prisoner. "Thanks. Now let'ss get theose Chaos Emeralds and also that last Dragon ball!" said Sonic and Tails in unison. Sonic and Tails went back to get Tails's custom plane that he likes to work on at his workshop in the jungle near Station SSquare to find that the Viet Cong had done some serious modificationss on it so now it had lock-on missiles and also a badass looking minigun, the kind you find on those big helicopters. "Sweet! Now let's show Eggman and Yamcha who the real heros are!" said Goku. The following battle was a truly epic fight with Tails expertly piloting his custom plane with Sonic on the guns just blazing away at Dr. Robotnik and Yamcha in their own flying device which was and upgraded Egg Mobile that had a powerful laser that could be continuously fired by a gunner (Yamcha) and it also had shields that could deflect most bullets. Because of this, the bullets from the minigun just bounced right off and most of the missiles were shot down by Yamcha, who was surprissingly adept with the continuously firing laser gun. The tables turned however when Goku said "I've had enough of this" and went directly to Super Saiyan 2. Then he just sstarted going to town on Yamcha and Dr. Robotnik. The killing blow for them was when Goku epically jumped off his magic cloud and blasted off Yamcha's continuously firing laser turret and also taking down the shields with an expertly-placed Kamehameha. Right at the same time Sonic also shot a lock-on missile to take out the engines and he was relieved because it was the last missile. As Eggman and Yamcha crashed to the ground in the Viet Cong prison camp, Sonic, Tails, and Goku also landed nearby to deliver the ultimate justice to them as well as collect the seven Chaos Emeralds and the seven Dragon balls. Goku cut Yamcha's head clean off with a machete that he found on one of the dead Viet Cong soldiers and Sonic and Tails took turns beating Eggman to death with Goku's magic staff. "Take that, Eggman!" they would say to each other. Just as they were about to head home with the full collection of every one of the seven Chaos Emeralds and all seven Dragon balls, they were surprised to see Big the cat and also Amy flying in on an Egg Mobile that they got from E-102Ξ. Amy was pissed off because of the squirt bottless filled with Piss incident and it turns outh that Froggy actually was down there in the ocean and he heard what Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Goku said about him and he decided to go back and tell Big about it so they were both really mad. "I hope your ready to pay for what you did!" said Amy as she jumped out of the Egg Mobile and instantly killed Tails with her spinning hammer attack. "What the fuck, Amy? It was just a prank!" said Ssonic as he was about to meet his fate. But at the last second, Goku caught the hammer and used it to deliver a sweet uppercut on Amy's stupid head, knocking her unconscious. He then threw it at the Egg Mobile, taking it out. That turned out to be a bad idea however because it forced Big the cat to jump out and as you know how much of a lard ass he is he squished Sonic, and also Goku all at the same time. "Hmm, I wonder what these are!" said Big the cat as he discovered the seven Dragon balls and the bag full of seven Chaos Emeralds. Trying to figure out what they were, he activated them both at the same time, granting him one wish from the dragon Shenron as well as gainging the ultimate power from the seven Chaos Emeralds and turning into Super Big the cat and from that day on he ruled the world with an iron fist and Froggy and Amy by his side.
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fi-would-live-this-life-over-a-million-times-given-the-chance%2Fposts%2F5917] i wish i could live a million lives so i could give a million +1s to all my bloard posts [/quote] Mods
- I finished watching childhood favorite Avatar the last airbender on netflix last night and now I can't decide if I should wait until august 14th for sequel series The legend of korra to come out on netflix or if I should just find somewhere else to watch it. No spoilers please I've never seen childhood favorite Avatar the last airbender sequel series The legend of korra
- The authorities on naming colors actually changed the name of the color "chartreuse" to "bloard green" after bloard became so big that people started recognizing it from here more than from the French liqueur. I personally think that whoever chose it had the right idea since it was a way to give our forum that unique "pop" that really made it stand out from the competition and really surge ahead in web-traffic. That it looks like pee poo diarrhea vomit is just a bonus
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fmammal-brain-use-only-in-this-thread%2Fposts%2F12112] im lying on a hot rock in the sun to heat up my blood. im using my nearly prehensile tongue to eat a fly off my bulbous eyeball. [/quote] Reptile brain detected
- Many (such as myself) have tried to sneak into slow learner's house on new years eve to try and sneak a recording of his legendary song "You Gotta Be The One," but none yet have succeeded and many do not make it out. Knowing this song is considered to be of key strategic importance to several major powers aroundd the world and they're paying top dollar for it
- We all know and love him it's Mister Spigetti. He's that good account with the nice four part word posts, excellent avi, and prolific posts that are high in both quality and grammatical accuracy. Plus most importantly, he's the inventor of the esteemed Horny bloard, which is the top page on this website because it's known to have brought in the most users due to its good Horny posts. So let's give it up for Mister Spigetti.
- Ants are the shit of nature, I would never stoop low enough to even look a t them
- Bloard to me is a safe haven from the bull shsit that you see a lot of the timeline (twitter reference) or in other parts of the internet or real life, its a place where you can just be yourself and not have to worry about being "political" with people like users "slow learner" and wowneat because you can just tell them straight up that umm I forgot where I'm going with theis, I'm just logging on to have a good time on bloard with my pals, I'm a rpolific poster on here because I know that all my posts are top notch and basically we all get along here and you all give me a +1 on my good posts, it's a really nice environment
- Ah, yes, these unenlightened jack asses going to the war of book bloard verses anti book bloard, while meanwhile, me and my good friends of whom I met upon Horny bloard, are above this petty squabbeling,
- I was talking to my buddy Jack M on runescape (old school) about making the bloard clan. That's all I don't have any other thoughts to add. What do you think of it
- Just reading all these posts gets my damn motor running! I'm in Horny bloard and I'm horny for the posts!!!
- Time to come clean about this thread: My second post ever is the one that's gotten the most +1s for me so in order to get some more hot posts coming in I thought it would be a good idea to reuse the number one of all time on here. So far it looks like it's working