hmmm, looks like we've found the ideal target for you then chernip - Jerry. start ripping into jerry
top posts
- My talents are: Being ocd Being autistic Being an incel cuck
- i've got bad news for you mr spigetti one of those dreams was actually real life and i dont see any fuckin wingull in this room right now do you....
- sometimes I like to meditate to empty my mind so there's more room to get all the fuckin POSTS in there you know what I'm sayin? same deal but with laxatives and my ass
- i like the one where he coins the phrase "thank god its friday". ever since reading that tweet, i often find myself thanking god for what day of the week it is. i have never been to a TGIF's but i can see myself doing so in the near future (maybe on a friday!)
- plan to bring in new users with a “bloard rap” lyrics something like “i was up late night BLOARDIN!” and then there would probably be some more lyrics but im not sure
- eating peanut butter everything bagel
- Don’t do it mods, or I’ll kick you’re ass!!!!
- your enlisting into the toilet with all the other stinky pieces of poo doo
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgym_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fwelcum-to-gym-bloard%2Fposts%2F11922] I’m lifting the weight of my big fat ass with my powerful thighs [/quote] lift my ass too please
- i actually heard marilyn manson had two ribs removed so he could suck crumbs out of his lap like a big gothic hoover
- sometimes in store and you see bisvotty often you hear fummy words 'tjat shit bidscotty!' and then store clerk turn around and
- 23:40. too freaking late for someone getting up at 7am. im a mess
- if you ask me... i think spaceballs was a freaking DOCUMENTARY gang!!!
- It's a dark and stormy night and I'm writing on like a way to make my posts better or skating and it just doesn't when. I never correct spelling or auto correct words that's just my brand on here bitch
- im strong physically and emotionally very weak spiritually psychically brittle philosophically sheer 100% real
- howdy my pardners, and "Up Yours" to any varmints...
- Im pleased to announce that I am starting a gofumdme to get OP a cane. Further details will follow.
- its ok, soon access to bloard will be a basic human right and you can call interpol on your mum