i thought it was poop & pee lmbo
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- Business Plan The cafe is a part of something bigger, but it must operate as other coffee shops do. This means that I have references all around me and not only my personal experience to draw from. I plan to implement practical, precedented business practices and to make sure that success is something that benefits the community and raises the reputation of Milepost 5. My plan can be seen as a 3-part organism: operations, publicity, and community. The operations part of my plan is arguably the most important, but luckily, it is fairly simple. In order to provide a consistently positive experience to our customers, we need daily operations to be well executed. This means that we need volunteers to be happy, proud, and satisfied to be working here. I plan to reward our volunteers at every oportunity, and feel confident that a high standard will be maintained by myself and my team of generous volunteers. We will provide a quality product with consistency and professionalism - and most importantly, in an atmosphere that everyone will enjoy. With a great atmosphere and quality products, we come to the publicity aspect of my plan. Not only are we located in a populated neighborhood off of a main street, but we have over 100 people in this building alone. Our patrons are all around us, and there are simple ways to attract them to us. A strong online presence is a must, and perfectly contrasted by the potential in our neighborhood. Reaching out both though social media and directly to our neighbors will bring people, and the strength of the business and allure of Milepost 5 will keep them coming back. The final part to my plan focuses on creating and maintaining a symbiotic relationship with Milepost 5 community. Like I said before, the success of the cafe will be inextricably tied to the success of our community and everything here is meant to benefit our home. This space is a natural epicenter for the diversity of talents in these buildings to meet. Having our community express the richness of the arts benfits ourselves and creates a draw from outside. The better we operate as an Artist Community, the more we draw interest from the masses outside our doors. Like I said before, this cafe is part of something bigger. I want to make sure that this part operates sufficiently to match the efforts of leadership in the other branches of Milepost 5. The potential is great, and I am proud to utilize my skills and efforts as part of this new era of leadership. Thank you for your consideration.
- you guys are my friends ☺️
- which one of you sent me this box of ants for christmas. who would want this. this is a bad gift
- when i look at my hands as I'm tying my shoes i fuck up the knot like 90% of the time but the moment i trust in the lord and closr my eyes i tie the knot with absolute precision 100% of the time
- i'm hating a lot of the stupid shit i see on twitter im not sure if im just being bitter but these freaks are pissing me off
- i often think about how different my life would be if i never looked at a clock, and only ate or slept when i felt like it... but in today's technology-focused world it just wouldn't be possible.
- super speed would be too dangerous because i might trip over something when I'm out running really fast. I'd pick flight so that I could fly 1 million miles into the air then nosedive headfirst into concrete would you rather have the ability to eat CDs and DVDs or win a free iphone 6
- [quote=Marcel;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ftinder%2Fposts%2F3268] what da fuck 0_o [/quote] thank you
- yer partner lets see them nurts.. post up them truck nurts fer all us fellas to see and laugh at 🤠 [img]http://theballreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/truck-nuts.jpg[/img]
- im pissing. not really that into it, to be honest. disappointing. not worth it
- [quote=littleerik;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F7488] it's been starting to get cold where I live and I realized I haven't seen any ants for a while. ... my wife left me [/quote] dude... i aint sayin nothin, but... maybe hold off on the poison and see if she comes back in the spring
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fdr-moogs-healing-and-restoration-services%2Fposts%2F10953] ah yes i have had many patients with this same problem, quite tricky for the unacquainted doctor to remedy... luckily you are in competent hands! our best option is to remove a few large bones to make room for all that blood. now let me just grab my surgical tool and we may begin the extraction [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56ec6a20a3360c829bb43d62/t/593aded3ff7c509a9df6e6e0/1497030364288/[/img] [/quote] thank you very much doctor, can i have a post surgery sticker too?
- Things are starting to calm down, so I'm supporting Claire in the insurrection
- Just gonna spam a few replies to get that sweet 52, bear with me gang
- [quote=wowneat;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgood-bloards%2Fposts%2F6376] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2tsmoQC.png[/img] [/quote] Hey, woah now
- Just got a sunburn today but I'm happy it's finally nighttime. I can now relax and chill with my bloard friends.
- Ever I rest upon this bed Sweating. Horny. Filled with dread. Sadman Fatman Get your money homie The world awaits...
- I’m going peepee having prescribed to the larry david school of going peepee, which is that i go peepee sitting down.
- [quote=Swann;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffortunately-i-have-screencapped-all-the-classic-lyle-bloards%2Fposts%2F127] What's it like? Talkin' to girls [/quote] lately it's been tiresome at best, since I constantly have to explain to women why they have to vote for ted cruz, or else they're racists... but I have had a good experience in the past.