we need to get obama to say bloard.
top posts
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/7pDfyGg_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] Name: Louie/Lou Age: 9 months old Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Likes: The Weather Channel, his friends Precious, Duck, Carrot, and Cheeseburger, and sitting on people’s head Dislikes: Eating food Enemies: My cat Kiki Talents: Running full speed into the couch Brain Power: none Favorite Movie: The Thin Red Line Idols: Jim Cantore
- that feeling when u have been logged out of bloard.com [img]https://i.imgur.com/K4IsTLU.jpg[/img]
- imagine how owned one of you would be if you posted a real picture of yourself in here, and then i posted about how you have funny ears or a wrinkled forehead or something. and it gets like 7 +s. "boy fuck outta here with that philtrum. posting in here lookin like a damn easter island head and shit" from then on no matter what the topic of the thread was people would only reply to your posts with the offending picture, maybe cropped or photoshopped to highlight the unusual aspect of your appearance, and you would be instantly and throroughly owned every time. thered be no escaping from it. when you finally decide youve had enough youd quietly stop posting, then log in on a new account two months later, pretend to be a new user, maybe even join the rest of the website in mocking the now infamous picture so no-one suspects that its really you. now that would be funny as fuck and all in good taste
- [img]http://image.ibb.co/cVfNOc/D61_A1_E2_F_D941_4_DCB_A125_C7_F5_B902060_F.jpg[/img]
- [img]https://i0.wp.com/www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/297269-Saturday-Blessings-Gif.gif[/img]
- I have gotten a list of concerns from the legal department. I have translated these concerns into a clear set of common sense guidelines. I've also added a few items of my own. DON'Ts: 1) No lives should begin or end at Bloardcon. 2) We do not have a budget to bail anyone out of jail. Don't be that guy. #CLM 3) Do not throw large kegs off of tall buildings. Please talk to Bloardman and Virgiltexas for specific insights on this topic. 4) Do not have sex with another employee UNLESS a) you have asked that person for that privilege and they have responded with an emphatic "YES! I will have sex with you" AND b) the two (or more) of you do not work in the same chain of command. Yes, that means that Derek will be celibate on this trip. #CEOLife #FML 5) Drugs and narcotics will not be tolerated unless you have the appropriate medicinal licensing. 6) There will be a $200 puke charge for any public displays on the Shore Club premises. Shore Club will be required to send pictures as proof. 7) DO NOT TALK TO PRESS. Send all press inquiries to Bloardman - anoyes@Bloard.com Additionally, stay vigilant about making sure people don't infiltrate our event. If and when you find yourself talking to a non-Bloard (look for the wristband), keep confidential stuff confidential... no rev figures, driver figures, trip figures... don't talk about internal process, and don't talk about initiatives that have not already launched. ___________ DO's: 1) Have a great fucking time. This is a celebration! We've all earned it. 2) Share good music. Digital DJs are encouraged to share their beats poolside. 3) Go out of your way to meet as many of your fellow Bloardettos as you can. 4) If you haven't figured it out yet, Miami's transportation sucks ass. #Slang as many Miamians, drivers, influencers as you can as passionately as you can and let them know why Bloard will make this great city an even better place. Every slang matters. #MiamiNeedsBloard… 5) If someone asks to meet the CEO and Founder of Bloard, kindly introduce him to Bloardman.
- lifted some sploosh, pulled some springs, hammered some barrels, rocked some rocks, plowed some wheat, swung some tanks, racked some pins, hit some fences, rolled some tools, fetched some meat, today at the gym
- i would be employed by the king to invent bloard
- *walking in with Biscotti crumbs all ovber my face and shirt* did somebody say policy
- ………………………………………._¸„„„„_ …………………….…………...„--~*'¯…….'\ ………….…………………… („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì …….…………………….¸„-^"¯ : : : : :¸-¯"¯/' ……………………¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : '\¸„„,-" **¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-" .:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :„-" :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : ¸„„-^¯ :.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;¸„„-~" :.:.:: :"-„""***/*'ì¸'¯ :.': : : : :"-„ : : :"\ .:.:.: : : : :" : : : : \, :.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Ì : : : : : : :, : : : : : :/ "-„_::::_„-*__„„~" howe about you draw this now hue heh
- would they like this amended version? [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mb4KkHY.png[/img]
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsmall-claims-bloart%2Fposts%2F11983] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CIanwxf.png[/img] [/quote] ive got lawyers crawling on this shit like flies on half an apple!!
- it's called "shartreuse" and it was picked because it looks like peepee poopoo diarrhea lolololololo edit: wrong account
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/NxgP8J6.jpg[/img] found one 😍👅 cmere lil mama
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbig-strong-bloard-cop-is-here-to-uphold-the-law%2Fposts%2F1365] Don't think about doing anything funny.[/quote] yeah... thats no problem for the posters here.
- i liked the bit where the joker went down on a lady 😏😌 and then wehn he came up... his clown nose had come off 😁
- [url=http://cameronsworld.net/][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/5/22.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/17/6.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/19/46.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/27/16.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/23/frame-25/1.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/26/right-side/15.gif[/img][img]http://www.cameronsworld.net/img/content/25/5.gif[/img][/url]
- 0) jerry 1) phage 2) claire 3) scout who has clarified everything 4) bug deal with no reservations, fears, or uncertainties 5) hillips 6) pigfoot vermont 7) dick chappy 8) raymond moist from the fuckin get go ... ... 12) derek because jerry vouched for him *** PROVISIONAL LIST *** (this space intentionally left blank)
- jimmy neutron made a plant that eats women and that solves a lot of problems right there. pretty smart but anyone with a head that big would be just as smart even smarter? for this he is 70% genius.
- CONFIRMED famous bloarders so far: Leonardo DiCaprio Justin Bieber Carrie Fisher (RIP) SUSPECTED famour blaorders: Bruce Willis Drake Andy Warhol (RIP) Britney Spears
- if i get president of bloard ill give everyone who +1'd me a signed picture of their face i also have other policies which I will be adding as the pre election period goes on. EDIT: policy number one: 10 plus ones monthly for every bloarder POLICY NUMBER TWO: add an instant messaging service to bloard POLICY NUMBER THREE: i will call a referendum to decide a bloard anthem that will play constantly whenever you open the site POLICY 4: posting education for new users, every post will be a good post no post deserves to go without +1's POLICY 5: stricter laws against people reading out other people's bloard posts in IRL and pretending they came up with them