can I get my horoscope reading? :) i'm printing out my natal chart onto a tiny ticket and inserting into the crystal ball.... it's making that ticket muncher sound like the machines at Charles Entertainment Cheese
the ball says.....
this is a great time,
a great time indeed!,
but ONLY if you can collect all the rare gems in the forest to make an offering to the fortuitous toad boy....
once you have done that and answered his 20 trivia questions you will be granted a single wish, a great future indeed, yes
top posts
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Ftghe%2Ftopics%2Ffaces-of-bloard%2Fposts%2F5113] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TKhvPTp.jpg[/img] [/quote] Why would you post that. Everyone already knows what you look like
- playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and homiciding the Pope with my stealth blade
- [quote=wowneat;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fan-introductory-bloard-post%2Fposts%2F4753] *sternly gives you the bloard initiation handshake which includes a rough under/over with a lazy side-ZJ and a phrase whispered in your ear in a dialect of yiddish only spoken by the highest ranking jews around these parts all while refusing to wipe the runny snot off my moustache because i just walked in from the cold and you can feel it touch the side of your face a little as i'm leaning in but you know this is all part of the deal and you'll score those fresh +1's soon enough so you put up with it* Hello. [/quote] *i do that too* Hey
- i hope you feel happy soon wowneat
- ...guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids are gonna love it.
- I'm disappointed to see that the Horny bloard, considered by many to be the pinnacle of human achievement, has fallen into such a state of disrepair. Let's please try to bring it back with some nice, high quality tasteful horny posts that really show that we on bloard are a sophisticated lot who knows how to kick back with some classy horny posts. In order to keep this thread as tasteful as possible, we will be adhering to a strict no anime policy.
- peace be upon you Now Draw This Ass Brother attached: denim_jenkem.mp5
- [youtube]https://youtu.be/nV-cIusyaWk[/youtube]
- heh heh! just playin with ya joop. great thread [img]http://i.imgur.com/i6AYLCw.png[/img]
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fdoing-the-bloard-dance%2Fposts%2F6274] I'm doing it, I'm doing it!!!!!! im doing the bloard dance! [/quote] whats his name.
- once you eat one of these "pig pussy" pork rinds... you'll never... oh... whats the fucking point.....
- [quote=slow%20learner;%2Fbloards%2Fthereisnogod%2Ftopics%2Fgod-is-real%2Fposts%2F5909] only IQ sub-50 will get number 7. im sorry [/quote] For fucks sake 😔😔
- went to the gym and got some muscles. might do it again some time
- take this new super hip test that will determine which of bloarder you are alike 1. hot dogg or hamburer 2. do you like 3. _____ is my favorite meme 4.. i am or amn't an ant (important) 5. do you post garbage suckass memes on twiter that no on e will ever like 6. how much can you squat without poppin a ball 7. are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party of the united states
- I'm at a wedding way the hell out of town. I know four people here. The guy getting married is my friend but he dropped off the face of the earth when he started dating the woman he's marrying in a couple of hours. This is a weird scene and it makes me uncomfortable.
- in this thread i will occasionally post kool things anything not kool will be removed [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DyAlQwBWkAEQiqx.jpg[/img]
- Congrats. You've found the inside scoop on the new Licensed Peripheral Hologram program. A hologram like this one will appear on all licensed third-party (non-Sony) peripherals, such as steering wheels, joysticks and light guns, by the middle of the year. Third-party peripherals that do not carry this hologram may harm your PlayStation because they likely do not adhere to PlayStation electrical standards and they have not been tested by PlayStation engineers. Their design may also not work well with other system components such as Memory Cards or Link Cables. Look for the Hologram on popular peripherals like these: Act labs "Gunz" light gun ALPS "StingRay" game pad ALS SPS-20 Wallet ALS SPS-40 Game Organizer ALS SPS-80 System Organizer ASCII Entertainment "Mach 1" Yoke/Steering ASCII Entertainment Arcade Stick ASCII Entertainment Enhanced Controller ASCII Entertainment Nylon Case ASCII Entertainment one-handed "Grip" ASCII Entertainment PAD PS ASCII Entertainment PAD PS Special ASCII Entertainment Stick PS InterAct Entertainment "V3" Steering Wheel InterAct Entertainment PiranhaPad game pad InterAct Entertainment ProgramPad see-thru pad InterAct Entertainment PS Arcade Stick InterAct Entertainment PS Gamepad 8 InterAct Entertainment PS ProPad Konami "Justifier" light gun Mad Catz Steering Wheel Controller Namco Hometek "Guncon" light gun Namco Hometek "Joystick" arcade stick Namco Hometek "NeGcon" Controller Nuby Manufacturing "Remote Wizrd" wireless Nuby Manufacturing "Rockmaster" game pad Nuby Manufacturing "The Heater" light gun Reality Quest "The Glove"
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgym_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fwelcum-to-gym-bloard%2Fposts%2F1630] it seems to be, that this is the state of affairs. everyone itt has a tiny head [img]http://i.imgur.com/JSPmCli.jpg[/img] [/quote] truuuueee
- Hang on let me launch out a tweet about it... That's a potential of like 100ish new bloarders.. My hole is frothing at the possibilities
- [quote=saptapadi;%2Fbloards%2Fmusical_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fpost-you-re-favourite-song-right-now-from-this-week-in-yor-life%2Fposts%2F5543] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fk47OAJDws[/youtube] rock in opposition baby!!! (doesn't know what it's in opposition to) [/quote] being straight lol
- im gonna mash up some oreos later today
- Certain people need to be taken care of.... Looking for powerful friends who can lie the out of my problem. Looking for would-be assassins and traitors
- Ok for real though... what is the best anime of all/ever time?? I think the best anime is Pokemon Indigo League, but that's just my opinion. I also like Bikini Warriors but that's less consistently good... I only pay attention when the ""plot"" is on screen... lol!
- [quote=Claire!!!!!!!;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffukcing-hate-women%2Fposts%2F8064] I’m bigger than you, I’m bloarder than you, and I’ll beat the ever-living shit out of any incel boy who gets in my way [/quote] incels will rise to power you will see! hater!
- grow it out. If you're able to grow a ponytail people will have to respect you