👅 -“let me in the army”
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- [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6833/a5305fefaf24474ca3cca0404200ec069288d2ecv2_hq.jpg[/img]
- the main reason I am against global warming is because ants like it when it's warm and you know what, fuck those fucking creeps, go sit in the cold and jack your dicks over the queen you fucks
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fawareness_and_activism%2Ftopics%2Fthe-wall%2Fposts%2F7008] yes please. see how polite i’m being? the canada is rubbing off on me. [/quote] what a coincidence, I'm rubbing off in canada
- Smurfs wouldn't even make the mother fucking list. Nasty blue fuckers.
- [quote=dude;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-post-workshop%2Fposts%2F5192] writing my 1st post any suggestions [/quote] very carefully! just some classic bloard snark for ya. welcome to the crew
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fthread-for-swearing%2Fposts%2F6208] new swearword i thought of: jfuck. feel free to use it 😁 [/quote] jfuck your new word
- i had a near death experience and i alm,ost escaped the bloardtrix. i nearly got run over in a parking lot and i woke up in my pod, theres no hope. earth is a barren rock and everyones plugged into this big fucking machine!!!!!
- [img]https://files.catbox.moe/5tma5e.jpg[/img]
- i am using the mammal brain to pick up wooden blocks with my fingers and spin them round
- 5 angels caught on video tape [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Kc92S9IAgf0/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] does this look sexy to you?????? source: 38 years phtoographing angels
- A curse for Jerry: You will need to eat from the Pig's Trough for the rest of the year, with the hogs. A boon for Kingdad42: You are immune to Jerry's Curses.
- BIRD post Hell this bird. Post says HELL!!!! Birb flys high eats worm poke beak tree hole HONK HONK HONK Nope. Duck nope. Hawk nope. Birb yes. Swan nope. Eats Mush . Hawk—nope. Flys into bush. Hide. Don’t. Make. Move. Hide. Look. Blue skys. Hawk gone. Flys into tree hole. Owls.... Nope. Full room. Flys into skys wind soar thru rain. Cute girl sits down. Poop onto girls face hehe. Tele wire. Sits down. Poop onto cars. Poop onto girls. Hehe Wing hurt. Well, well, well. Blue bird come with beak worm. Feel good. Thnx blue bird. Eats worm. Thnx worm. Moon rise. Suns gone. Flys into bush. Rest. Safe. Warm.
- im havin a cereal with whole milk a big spoon and a cup of that coffee that i like. you know the one. anyway go crazy in the replies let me know what you got for breakfast
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-4e9279bd-37aa-407a-bd11-610c3fd1f1d1%2Fposts%2F4224] Pretty cool video Loves) . (Navel [/quote] 毎日見直して心に刻んでやってください
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2FbIoard2%2Ftopics%2Fthe-haberdashery-thread%2Fposts%2F4730] so you're saying it's a good thing that hat making is a gendered institution [/quote] only men should have hats
- *pick up a machete* *Chops exactly 40% off of the propietors left arm*
- please use this secret code to become my nintendo friendo. SW-8534-0593-7216
- [quote=orgamecha;%2Fbloards%2FRecipes%2Ftopics%2Fbiscotti-policy%2Fposts%2F9755] the only rule we have is that when ever someone says sone shit that's biscotti, you have to respond with "that shit's biscotti" [/quote] That shit’s biscotti
- [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dreamworks/images/3/35/Bee-movie-disneyscreencaps_com-2185.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130430182613[/img]
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fplans-to-bring-in-more-bloard-users%2Fposts%2F7860] bull shit. check the horny bloard then come back and tell me that 😒 [/quote] We don't speak of that here
- [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/gbs/topics/bloard-post-workshop/posts/1499]41 minutes ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/bloard2/topics/fuck/posts/64]1 month ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/gbs/topics/bloard-quiz-which-bloarder-are-you/posts/6213]3 weeks ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/bloard2/topics/fuck/posts/64]6 days ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/what/topics/change-is-an-illusion/posts/2303]3 days ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/bloard2/topics/fuck/posts/64]11 hours ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/bloard2/topics/what-do-you-think-my-password-is/posts/1879]2 weeks ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/gbs/topics/plans-to-bring-in-more-bloard-users/posts/3035]4 hours ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/gbs/topics/bloard-post-persimmon-thread/posts/1714]3 months ago[/url] [url=https://bloard.com/bloards/bloard2/topics/fuck/posts/64]7 minutes ago[/url] [b][/b]
- beefsnack why are you so mean? you're gonna end up hurting someone's feelings..
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffukcing-hate-women%2Fposts%2F8090] Not only Ami not offended, hell, I'm wondering whatd happen next [/quote] I'll keep ypu posted bud
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsaturday-night-bloard%2Fposts%2F11078] It’s sadurdy night and u know I’m posting on bloard [/quote] fuk yeah derek