I haven't been able to get out
- (looking down into hole) LMAOOOOO HE CAN'T GET OUT
- they let derek out all the time but when i try to leave they get me with the hog shocker
- no still in here
- get me out and get me off
- i had a near death experience and i alm,ost escaped the bloardtrix. i nearly got run over in a parking lot and i woke up in my pod, theres no hope. earth is a barren rock and everyones plugged into this big fucking machine!!!!!
- I'm out I'm fucking OUT!! I finally got out and it's so beautiful out here I never could have imagined. The air is crisp and I can hear a deer singing in the distant hills. I'll never go back! edit: im back in
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhas-anyone-escaped%2Fposts%2F13608] i had a near death experience and i alm,ost escaped the bloardtrix. i nearly got run over in a parking lot and i woke up in my pod, theres no hope. earth is a barren rock and everyones plugged into this big fucking machine!!!!! [/quote] its not a machine its just a giant fuckin toilet lmao
- yeah. and im about to flush