thuis thread is soooo weird o_O
top posts
- that's cool to be young. to be honest it kind of sucks to be that young because you are full of potential but have few accomplishments. not a lot of skills or money or career capital. and you feel emotions really strongly which is hard. just try not to destroy yourself and do something that will set you up for later.
- [quote=g0m;%2Fbloards%2FARG_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fnew-bloard-arg-dont-miss-it%2Fposts%2F2357] Uha Uha Dfu Drnaa Veja Aekrd Drendaah Dfahdo-Uha [/quote] i decoded this using a walkthrough on gamefaqs
- [quote=orgamecha;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fi-will-write-you-d-d-character-sheet%2Fposts%2F10024] i dont want a dnd character sheet [/quote] you are the beast. your stats are incredibly powerful
- first time taking a piss in 5 days, for some reason it's only a trickle so i odn't have time to explain my last post sorry
- i hope you get your anime problem fixed joop
- the crowd loves a strong silent type. mouth closed, eyes forward peering into the broken soul of an anxious cop. dont be afraid of the tear gas, it will do more psychological harm than physical, but you've been trained to withstand more.
- jerry he's the dm, you gotta go with what he says man
- comment and i will write your d&d character sheet for free
- [quote=toilet%20man;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fit-s-big-sister-time-slight-return%2Fposts%2F12614] [img][/img] [/quote] It's big sister time
- on an evening like this all i really find myself wanting to do is scroll through the cracking bloard posts of [url=]Mister Sperghetti[/url] and thinking to myself "if i posted that good then gosh i'd simply never stop posting!"
- donβt you want to be more like little erik? iβm honestly quite confused rn
- if you have time to lean hog, then you have time to clean hog
- [quote=wowneat;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fphone-or-computer-bloarder-maybe-both%2Fposts%2F6694] i take my laptop to the bathroom in order to take a shit i mean post on bloard. you could really say i'm "on the go" [/quote] holh shit are u me
- getting more and more tired lately
- Hi, men, I know everyone who posts here has a peen. I just want tos ay that I'm looking for a replacement for my broken hymen. Someone misused it andi t's very fragile. It;s so fragile that T Reznor wrote about it in a alubm he wrote, which I find super insipriing. Please, I'm on my knees begging if you know how to repair the broken part of me please dm if you know where I can get a new one I will repay you with whatever you want please, kathryn
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fi-m-back-and-etter-than-ever%2Fposts%2F2835] im feel especially retarted for not adding snooby sooner. or maybe he left ages ago i cant remember [/quote]
- [quote=slow%20learner;%2Fbloards%2Fweird_bloard%2Ftopics%2Ffour-letter-words-only%2Fposts%2F11824] some ofth eshi tint hisb loar disu nbel ieva ble! [/quote] Fail post. Slow need bans from here
- *in a world where monday is spelled fmonday* haha, thank god it's monday