*all of the jokes from twitter and old bloard come in for a HUGE bee in the car*
top posts
- is it just me, or do you kinda want to fuck the charmin ultra strong daddy bear
- would you like to forward this tweet to a friend?
- when i watch the local news some of it is like posts, they talk about stuff going on or someone who died in a housefire, but it's not what i'm lookin for i want the POSTS
- cannot confirm or deny this rumour at current time. i googled "mario tennis blooper real" and i just got videos of wario falling on his ass a bunch of times, luigi cussing by accident etc
- I've been in friggin Bellegarde all day because the trains are on strike. I've been finding various ways to kill time until I can leave at 17:00
- fuck is an ejaculatory remark for ex. "FUCK (kuuming possibly) this bagél is whole wheat!!!" said Harry, turning angrily to Hermione
- goodnight bloard i stayed up a bit because i made a tweet and had to keep checking how many people liked it 😇
- Huh interesting, i too have often pondered this, but this is the most salient and lucid theiry i have encountered tto date Thanks for the inPOOP (lol!!)
- [youtube]https://youtu.be/shibvkpyb8E[/youtube]
- that game is very good. However,, yoshi is absent. there are some games that do let you play as yoshi and these usually have yoshi in the title somewhere
- I would rather live in turkey because being small enough to live in a turkey would be cool!😁 Would you rather touch a poop for $20 or touch a hot iron for $100
- Specifically w/r/t the Olympics & international competition (i.e., not the MLB or national leagues). Interested to hear where people fall on this. I personally am tired of all the USA's machinations. Rio could have been so much better if the anti-doping crusade hadn't taken half the star athletes off the bill. Form a committee, test the drugs, allow or prohibit according to findings. Don't have this weird, sanctimonious purge spearheaded by nations whose athletes have the luxury to not do exactly what their coaches tell them
- i think i squatted too much weight yesterday. probably have a hernia. RIP
- [quote=meatbot;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwhat-is-bloard%2Fposts%2F4978] never heard of it [/quote] you should try it. i go on there a lot
- In considering the alternative, it really does make sense to have a Gamer Rep scheme. A true gamer wants to get the most out of his gaming, so less gametime but more pwnage is actually a net plus in the long run. You can play games for hours upon hours, but if you're being a sucky ass n00b then whats the point..
- dont have enuf info to come to a conclusion
- rͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬaͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣtͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭfour week plus four week with zero four part word... cant live when zero four part word... need four part word...
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhey-derek%2Fposts%2F7149] haha see! ur such a liar wowneat i just can’t even. also, what i’m eating now is your mom’s pussy. bitch ass punk. why don’t you come upstairs and eat your dinner ya fuckin loser. [/quote] holy sh*t derek just went beast mode on his ass!
- ... so I decide to invite the minotaur over to watch tv.