*hillips in the car, wailing super hard and screaming while kicking the pedals and getting into a massive wreck at a bee keeping farm* : ABLOOA BAO
*the brotherhood of the bees (every other bloard member) being cool calm and collected* : what a nice day today
top posts
- yeah one second [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130503191457/legendsofthemultiuniverse/images/8/8c/TheBigToe.jpg[/img] only use this for good
- in the club. wit ya niece [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/22/5c/36/225c3661664a85349d259a7e672e7d94.jpg[/img]
- i am going to the gym later today
- this is a pretty fucked up thing to say to a guy who smashes that mf plus button on your posts
- Love the new submissions for Interjosh, Pigfoot Vermin, and The Wesker... I'll need to meditate on this
- i remove my honey from my coat pocket and join my syrupy brethren at last
- was just informed that if i shit anymore, the shit will legally take over my identity, and I will be classified as shit. the shit's shit. I was not prepared for this, im already being pressured to sign papers to prepare for the transfer of my auto titles.
- You're through, Bloard. Pack it up. No more bloard for you. NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube]OOIGCyAR-0w[/youtube]
- thank you toilet man. merry christmas to you too
- I tried to change it to add my main d badge but it reverted. Bloard is self aware
- i dont actually use bloard i just pretend i do so all my friends think im funny
- one day we'll all look back and think on all of our fond memories of all the epic bloard moments we have experienced and we are going to tell stories about it in the nursing home and nobody is ever going to believe it.
- What the fuck... zero likes on this one? https://twitter.com/bloardking/status/915530237559091200 This is truly fucked. I just cannot even... God damn mother fucker shit cunt fag bitch cock jizz twat ass hole
- Did some squats and deadlifts at the gym yesterday. Feeling better about my strength, guess I just needed some consistency for a bit to recover.
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/bzM8b4e.jpg[/img]
- My life forever altered by a visage appeared in a slice of toast. Mustache. A bulbous nose. A hat, emblazoned with "M." Foretold, truth, in my bread. I spread the word. My wife, apostate, left me. My children, estranged by my "madness." No, my prophecy. Toast taken on pilgrimage to the Vactican. An audience with the Pope. The Pope said: "No Christ, this." I smirk. "Certainly not. Much more." The Pope labels me heretic. I murder him with his hat, continue on with the toast. Prophet.
- [quote=blandkidneystone;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-bloard-hardware-store-rp%2Fposts%2F10607] "Nernip''s department store" [/quote] we can help him advertise with this as a catchy nickname
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbarnacle-jim-is-still-funny%2Fposts%2F4115] please keep this kind of barnyard talk to the swearing thread [/quote] Sorry. I just think that Barnacle Jim is still funny, so I don't like it when people disrespect him on the time line or on the Bloard posts that i read
- I just posted on bloard. It was in the Thread for swearing.
- got almost no sleep last night, a fucked up but all too normal situation, but i had a dream i was tooting my own horn, my trumpet to be exact, which i have not tooted in fast almost 8 years. perhaps this shows an innate desire to return to the instrument. perhaps it is a profound disapointment at my not continuing it. perhaps, it means simply nothing. crazy to think about,
- The car decoration that looks like a hockey puck going through th ewindow but instead of a hockey purck it's bloard