top posts
- Hey man, don't mean to ruin the fun or anything here but it looks like you made a typo in you're list. If you go and look at the list again, you'll notice that "mister spigetti" is nowhere to be seen upon the list. Surely that was a mistake
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgood-bloards%2Fposts%2F6662] anyone know any good bloards WITHOUT SWEARS IN THE NAME? [/quote] this ones pretty cool https://bloard.com/bloards/suspicious_rift
- i have to fly on a plane soon
- [quote=wowneat;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwhats-the-funniest-thing-youve%2Fposts%2F217] leh0n this site lags alot [/quote] it's been an hour and only half of this commnt has loaded. what's the rest say
- i vomited when i saw that fucking wall of text OP
- <img> smartphone Hello. Put the funnny abacus picture. Thank You Smart Phone </img>
- Just wanted some feedback on my branding change to see whether a permanent switch is a positive idea. As you can see my new photo is straight to the point and, I really think it sums up my posts quite well. Anyway, it's up to you guys...
- "Prayers To The Bloardmother" -- Follow along Our fallen sisters and brothers whence we all emerged, your posts neight forgotten nor un-voted for; With our keyboards and posts we pay respect: "It is you whom we adore" Many fallen and returned, others gone forever. From the grave I dug myself out, what's dead shant die I pay my dues and for you I cry Say prayers or post other epic shit below bros.
- Been looking for a good online casino lately...
- Not to toot my own horn, but I think that bloard has gained some heavy hitters in the past few days.
- [quote=online_homies;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffavorite-lihon-tweet%2Fposts%2F2629] [youtube]xd1aTnLQJIo[/youtube] [/quote] kawaii..
- [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8781011e71fb637fd6bf7418c90e367e/tumblr_ofvejaSFmz1rrftcdo1_500.gif[/img]
- I already ate it, sorry bud.
- Overview Onsen-san (Mr. Hot Spring, おんせん-さん) is a NPC that can be found in the Hot Spring House in the Wilderness. His appearance can only be seen by using Lamp effect because of the darkness of the house. He is sitting beside a hot spring pool and has a pipe from his head absorbing the spring water. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yumenikki/images/b/b4/Onsen-san.gif[/img] Interaction He only reacts to the Knife effect. Stabbing him will change the color of his head from red to blue.
- *in a world where fmonday is spelled mfriday* my assholes are dimiged by beas
- fortunately I have 'capped all the classic lyle bloards, and I can read them whenever I want to. sike! the posts are gone forever. owned bitches
- you can usually go 3 to 4 months before a prolonged multi-week recovery. by volume i mean the actual total amount of weight lifted in a week per muscle group. generally you want to train somewhere between 10 and 20 sets at 60 - 80% one-rep max within one or two reps of concentric failure. then you increase the number of sets each week for each muscle group. so if you start at 12 and your mesocycle lasts 5 weeks, you would hit 16 or 20 on the last week, and your muscles would have grown to accommodate the increased weekly volume. the difficulty in planning for this comes from calculating which exercises target which muscles, to what extent. e.g., bench press hits your triceps but only secondarily (you wouldn't get sore triceps just from benching). so how do you calculate that auxiliary volume into your weekly total? that's where the periodization templates help.
- i met some great people to day they are all very nice
- hey derek, get a load of this wednesday favorite... [img]https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/825270414083444740/825270401123037184/COwMwKh5.jpg:large[/img]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F82fn20bLlM
- Sorry I forgot to poast yesterday I think but I'm here now. I'm lying on the couch thinking 🤔
- [youtube]https://youtu.be/t-9eN5J7hcg[/youtube]
- To enter the Bloard Presidential Race, simply POST ONCE IN THIS THREAD. IF YOU POST MORE THEN ONCE YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE RACE OK. To vote, simply give ONE AND ONLY ONE +1 TO THE POSTER OF YOUR CHOICE. Person with most +1's will be given access to site by leh0n, no questions asked. NO RIGGING, NO COLUSION, I'M WATCHING LIKE A HAWK Good Luck and May the best Poster win!!😁