If you take the blue pill, you can stay on bloard, posting cool things with cool people in wonderland. If you take the red pill, you'll see just how deep this goatse goes.
top posts
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/A28oHTa.jpg[/img] wait until i get a hold of the goddamn wind that knocked my grill over i fuckin promise i'm about to go full wacky mode
- Just got back from the gym. (notices you looking at the library card tucked into my waistband) what, oh this?
- Nice, we got a dolphin on here now. I'm good, just getting ready for work. Gonna juice some produce so I can save time and not have to chew it. Also got another 35 pound kettlebell in the mail today. Going to bring the gym home with me so I can always be at the gym, while posting on Bloard!!!!
- [quote=toilet%20man;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F12763] PISSED OFF AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote] 💋
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgummy-bears-or-gummy-cokes-or-other%2Fposts%2F6584] in case you thought theyre not a real thing: [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61lMp463l9L._SX355_.jpg[/img] in case you think theyre bad: get a clue [/quote] hmm remember that time you ate a really rubbery gross fried egg and the yolk had already solidified ? well we made a candy to memorialize that. enjoy
- i like to distance myself from horny bloard so that i can see all the posts at the same time 😩😤
- starting a new job today called asking for some info, since there was a mixup, and they never got back to me. gonna just show up a bit early in person, but this could go a couple of weird ways i guess..
- I see. Two very good cryptids! But have either of you heard about the Loveland frog?
- figure it out smart guy! a true bloarder has no problem identifying one of their own kind...
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fweird_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fgaze-into-my-chunky-crystal-ball%2Fposts%2F11633] *getting real close to the crystal* hello... can i can a impossible whopper with medium fries and a boddla wudder and also 6 chicken's nuggets as much bobocue sause as you will give me for free [/quote] its a crystal ball bro it had your order ready before you decided what you even wanted its not bound by linear time. also would you like some ketchup too?
- [img]https://d15g9ctfd3qhkj.cloudfront.net/uploads/user/avatar/171/avatar.gif[/img]
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fthread-for-blessing%2Fposts%2F7262] little e's trouser soiling is akin to a seasoned Buddhist monk burning in the streets. the spiritual attunement required is beyond my comprehension. i have much to learn [/quote] all you gotta do is practice
- i wonder if i'll ever truly forget bloard... when will the point in my life be where i never go on or think about bloard again. what will my last ever bloard post be. will it be just another great top quality post or will it be a really drawn out goodbye post where i curse everyone on here who has ever wronged me. heavy stuff and food for thought also.
- bring in more users with a mascot. like an anthropomorphic cat that dances aggressively at people and backs them into a corner and starts chanting "bloard or die" in their face maybe
- [quote=blandkidneystone;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F6634] I usually keep my distance from this thread because doing irony is all I have left but here's my order Papa John's Dominoes Pizza Hut Cici's And then like at the bottom is pizza express [/quote] why is every forum about food
- why are there so many russians and or ukrainians on here posting spam now did bloard pick a side while i was gone? are we being recruited?
- i like dutch santa claws way more anyway... : racist claus aka sinterklaas (look it up!!)
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F13440] the ants caught covid [/quote] mmh yeah "Good."
- all-purpose introduction thread. share what you'd like about your lifting/fitness interests. joop's stats: w/c: 69kg (currently under) favorite exercise: that old standby, the back squat favorite oly lift: can't choose. sorry favorite lifters: dimas, ilya (RIP), artem, tao, clarence0, kostova, jessica favorite rep scheme: 3x3 favorite accessory exercise: the humble pull up atg or hookgrip: atg diet: omnivore, mostly go for whole foods, would like to become a vegetarian at some point if i'm rich enough to have not shitty meals/ time-consuming meals on it
- doubling up, did y'all see a dude zak post somethin? is this bloard afterlife where natural laws are the anomaly, and freaky occurrences the norm, so then norms become freaky occurences? am I speaking into a vortex of my soul? wheres Kathryn? is Kathryn real? is she really a fine female? maybe one of those nerdy hot chicks, where at first yr like shes a great friend, like one of the guys, then one day she takes off her glasses and yr like,"you got tits!" Think fast friends, be on alert, i'm not sleeping tonight but when the birds start chirping I may need relief, fuck you Satan, Fuck You!!!! unless you really exist then ha ha you know how we do it
- Brad four back will play with side line head guys (lynn). Brad four back will wear blue come 2020. Lite blue!!!!!!!
- It must be quite interesting to have enemies. Alas, I am beloved by all, so I know not of such things.
- [quote=littleerik;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F5051] what about after [/quote] no comment