*sleeping in the gym locker room all night and spraying a steady stream of hot cat urine at anybody that tries to dislodge you* 😍 *wine* 😌 *movie marathons with your S/O* 😉 *spraying a steady stream of STEAMING hot Cat Urine at anybody that tries to move your stone cold corpse* 🤔 *attemding weekly No Fap seminars* 😏 *symbolic castration* 😩
aaaaa! TGIW
- I played Uncharted 4 after I got home from work. It's really late for me and I probably won't wake up until 5pm. That's the Kingdad life for you.
- me? I just got back into my apartment because I lost my keys on campus. And that's really what happened. eating a sandwich . and you know what? It's good
- A Wednesday favourite of mine this week was when I got home from work and hung out in my car for an hour or so
- I always sit for a long time after my shower, which immobilizes me. Another Wednesday favorite!
- I prefer to sit in bed for an hour or so after I wake up. The second I take my shower I'm movin
- See, but I do both! I sit in bed for about an hour. The warm shower water lulls me into a relaxed and dumb place. Mebtally. So I just sit with my towel on my head and read people their fortunes on skype
- mebtally, i'm already gone...
- would you say.. That you're Mebtally Ill?
- hey derek, get a load of this wednesday favorite... [img]https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/825270414083444740/825270401123037184/COwMwKh5.jpg:large[/img]
- [quote=kiddo;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwednesday-favorites-list%2Fposts%2F2080] would you say.. That you're Mebtally Ill? [/quote] the lost beastie boyz album
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwednesday-favorites-list%2Fposts%2F2081] hey derek, get a load of this wednesday favorite... [img]https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/825270414083444740/825270401123037184/COwMwKh5.jpg:large[/img] [/quote] vile weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- wednesdays.. i like... hmm. weed