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- my gym routine provides excellent gains and is as follows: - roll myself in a section of shag carpetting custom fit to my body shape and roll up a hill outside the gym 2 times - hide behind a parked car outside the gym and wait for someone to get inside. when they start to pull away, i' grab the bumper and see how long i can keep it from moving - i saw some kids breaking branches off the trees outside the gym and they were ripped so im thinking about trying that - important: im always chewing gum outside the gym so my jaw muscles are huge i can bite through glass just thought id share my knowledge with you guys so you can get strong like me
- i kind of just click on all the new post buttons but dont actually read the new posts
- [quote=yoshifanatic1488;%2Fbloards%2Ftghe%2Ftopics%2Fbest-moments-in-cinema%2Fposts%2F4843] (cool guy voice) i saw black panter, yo [/quote] how Important was it
- wtf what recourse do you have now bd?
- [quote=Chernip;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fthe-new-hardware-store-across-the-street%2Fposts%2F10489] As long as that material is going to Pigfoots it’s 50% off! I think we have an understand here :) [/quote] excellent more stock for my severly depleted inventory seeing as my store is so popular >:^)
- plopadop is easygoing and friendly, "plop" never has a kind word for anyone.
- why do they always send the bloard? (still workshopping this)
- Nice[quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F5647] #update [img][/img] [/quote]
- A burning priest screaming "DELIVER US"? ∆ x x x Who owns the rights to Mario? And Sonic? ∆ Liyke, eye could go to jawle for the resto mihy lawyfe? ∆ x x 2014/02/09 17:30:00 Link : SNES - ライブ・ア・ライブ
- can i be in your divorce selfie?
- the bloard lies dormant from within and erupts when you are bored at your dads synchronized roller derby audition
- I only jump off a cliff when I think there's a possibility I might get horny
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgym_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fidea-to-gain-muscle-fast%2Fposts%2F13735] could just get really fat (easier than gym) and insist its muscle, or wear a shirt that says "its all muscle" [/quote] who could prove otherwise (assume we kill all doctors and destroy every biology textbook in this scenario)
- oops i goofed around welp
- I've been in friggin Bellegarde all day because the trains are on strike. I've been finding various ways to kill time until I can leave at 17:00