ralps going to come back some day and hes going to fuck you up kd. those who were loyal to him will be greatly rewarded for their devotion. and if you think you can just fuck off for a few months then come back when you feel like it... :/ you will not be spared from ralps wrath. sorry lol
top posts
- 1. this post 2. read this post 3. a printout of this post
- Snooby: Case denied court fines you an additional 4 french fries Bug Deal: Would you like a drink with that? Kingdad42: Petition granted
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ftext-posts-about-the-image-thread-with-no-text%2Fposts%2F3857] Ok what am i looking at here https://bloard.com/bloards/gbs/topics/post-images-but-no-text/posts/3704 [/quote] laser printer
- my no irony post is that I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I think I have too many options which makes everything hard to figure out.
- i'm the bad bitch of bloard
- Jumping up and down!!! AHHHHH YEAH MOTHER MAN, oh YEAH!!!!!! Cripes, slow it down, power on through man and just post the fuckin thing!!! K’MON POST YOU GUYS!!!!!!! IS THAT SO HARD to ASK!? Seriously, you guys are on the ball right now, you’re getting it in a way that many haven’t been able to do. Great posts, A-game material, hell yeah mother bloard! Another post down!! Yeah!!!
- ugh, am I the only one who's totally sick of the "catch tha chiken" meme? it's like I get it already, it was funny at first but now it's like I can't go on bloard without seeing a bunch of greenhorns chuckling it up about catching chickens... 😤 it's like yeah i get it sometimes the chickuns get loose and you gotta catch em... big freakin' whoop...
- lmao. Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you the new official post of bloard.
- they already have that dude. it's called the borderlands trilogy. dive in
- I had a dream last night that the borrower arrietti was eating spaghetti off a button (she's using it as a plate) and some. N Oodles are falling thru the button holes but she doesn't seem to mind Anyone else have this dream before?
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fno-new-posts%2Fposts%2F10782] King dad would never utter those words of resignation. He’s a strong brave man who slays minotaurs [/quote] not man, ape
- you were the unspecified mod i was referring to. way to out yourself. enjoy the hate mail from the trolls
- tier 1: -George tier 2: -everyone (we're excluding Ralp here) tier 3: -ralp. fuck yuo dude
- Jazzmaster my favourite model, exquisite taste.
- [quote=Ass%20Daniels;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fi-m%2Fposts%2F588] [img]http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-cool-lizard-41458552.jpg[/img] [/quote] i love the 3d city reflected in that lizard's shades. i want to go there
- [quote=jmgn;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ffan-fiction-thread%2Fposts%2F1653] just shut up bitch [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g7Bhqyn.jpg[/img]
- If you're as totally zany and twisted as I am, the question instead is "why not?!!?!?!??!" 😂😂😂😈😈😈😈😈😈
- this morning i went pp and there was some yellow in it 😟 does any one know an doctor im dont know what to do
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fi-got-banned-from-twitter-for-questioning-the-narrative%2Fposts%2F6026] https://twitter.com/wowneat/status/518173734377906176?s=21 [/quote] *begins to uncontrollably shit and piss all over myself while gritting my teeth and tears streaming from my bloodshot eyes* HAHAHAHA I LOVE LAUGHING I FUCKING LOVE TO LAUGH SO MUCH
- i take my laptop to the bathroom in order to take a shit i mean post on bloard. you could really say i'm "on the go"
- rͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬͬaͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣͣtͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭͭlast year join four part word club with mans that speak four part word only. four part word club stop meet when sick mans come. need more speak more with four part word mans. want join these here mans that speak four part word
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgrendelvult%2Fposts%2F6259] shrek saves the day at the end idiot. [/quote] How does he save the day again? Last time I saw it Shrork stole Fiona, was too close to her for too long and turned her green.