Yo, where that mother load at?? The big treasure that is out there in this land. Ya gotta eat. I'm gonna help ya, just tell me where it's at before I style on the fucks like those carrot ass mother fuckers who eatin the stuff!!! YEAH!!!! OK, what are you gonna do about it????
- um, Is This FUcking Random Or Am I Just High...
- Randome 0_0
- Jumping up and down!!! AHHHHH YEAH MOTHER MAN, oh YEAH!!!!!! Cripes, slow it down, power on through man and just post the fuckin thing!!! K’MON POST YOU GUYS!!!!!!! IS THAT SO HARD to ASK!? Seriously, you guys are on the ball right now, you’re getting it in a way that many haven’t been able to do. Great posts, A-game material, hell yeah mother bloard! Another post down!! Yeah!!!
- Swann af
- BREAKING: Go0Sie is Swann; Jeb Bush SURGING in Polls
- the mother "load:.. Thionk about that guys. Mother load. Mother load (load)
- mother love load
- Goosie is not Swann. Swann is one of a kind and unique, and this Goosie fellow is not him, clearly. Cripes you guys, it's driving me nuts that you could mistake the two.
- goose and swan are just different styles of ducks
- [img]http://i.imgur.com/Vz5twr7.png[/img]
- hmm... OP contains the coded message "ytyiyohy"
- can't wait to see what bird he comes back as next
- twitter
- OP is OP