it's becoming clear that if bloard is going to support its heinous hosting costs we're going to need to attract new users to click the banner ads and supply valuable user data to advertisers. so, let's brainstorm ways of getting more bloarders on bloard.
⛄ if anyone has one of those planes that make chemtrail writing they could try that. but don't do that if you don't know how to fly a plane because it could be dangerous.
⛄ mutter "bloard", "bloard dot com" and "thats bloard for you" under your breath weirdly when you're at bus stops and the post office. people will take notice and get curious.
⛄ make iron-on bloard tshirts and donate them to charity shops and thrift stores
⛄ obtain a prototype copy of the completed but unreleased Mean Girls Nintendo DS tie-in game and hack the ROM so that Cady, Gretchen, Regina and Janice are having conversations about bloard threads and their favourite bloard posters and then distribute the ROM onto the internet
- point a gun at a guy on the street and say you'll shoot him unless he bloards
- to those who have boyfriends or girlfriends: when you're making love to your significant other, shout "SIGN UP FOR BLOARD DOT COM" when you climax. thank you
- You're welcome
- I went and told my parents about bloard
- i'll make a website about it
- when you sign up there's a link redirecting you to
- Just signed up on
- now we need to find a way to get more people to sign up for christ this is getting out of control
- i'll m,ake the website
- Let's just have a site advertising that directly links to bloard so people can skip the unnecessary steps.
- i just asked asked my wife to join bloard. she said she'd think about it.
- my wife is #2 prostitute in all of kazakznstan
- What's his name lol
- “Gretchen, stop trying to make bloard happen! It's going to happen inevitably and on its own by virtue of the lols and bc of all the fire content!” *Tina FEy character pops in and starts doing the bloard dance lol. lindsay loman spits out her pepsi*
- jerry... can you please give me your wife's email... i'll explain later. thanks in advance
- I tried so hard, but everyone said no!
- Hang on let me launch out a tweet about it... That's a potential of like 100ish new bloarders.. My hole is frothing at the possibilities
- trying to get my tulpa to join bloard
- i sent word to dark bloard. they are coming. steal yourself
- Alright, so I've been trying to work bloard into conversations with my coworkers. I'll give you an example of an exchange I had the other day to give the rest of you some inspiration for how to introduce the idea of bloard to the people around you. I simply took advantage of the conversation being about websites to "bloardinate", if you will, my coworkers. Me: You know, I'm a member of a website. Coworker: Oh yeah? Me: Yeah. Bloard dot com. Coworker: What? Me: Bloard dot com. Coworker: I don't know what you're saying. Me: Bloard dot com. Coworker: Are you saying "War"? Me: No. Bloard dot com. Coworker: Bloarg dot com? Me: Bloard dot com. Coworker: "Bloard dot com"? Me: Yeah. Coworker: [laughing] Me: It's sick. Coworker: What is bloard dot com? Me: We just shoot the shit on there. Coworker: Alright.
- Hog dog
- I just signed up for bloard dot com because someone followed me on twitter. when I looked at their profile, all it said was bloard dot com, and they only had tweets from long ago. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you read it in my voice, which is deeper than you probably think.
- sounds like half of all bloard users
- can you cuss on here
- Hell damn yah
- Please keep cussing down to when you activate your limit breaks.
- me: its called bloard and basically we just say whats on our mind, we kinda make fun of posting culture but its all good natured. you get upvotes too its pretty chill, lots of cool twitter personalities post here gamestop employee: cool.
- me: so basically its a website where you post sick shit an get upvotes like a mothefukre!!! ex wife: just sign the affidavit gamestop employee: cool.
- i think that this summer i am going to beat the heat by bloarding more. EDIT: that's how i will recruit more bloard members. i'll tell them to beat the heat on bloard dot com
- plan to bring in new users with a “bloard rap” lyrics something like “i was up late night BLOARDIN!” and then there would probably be some more lyrics but im not sure
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fplans-to-bring-in-more-bloard-users%2Fposts%2F5229] plan to bring in new users with a “bloard rap” lyrics something like “i was up late night BLOARDIN!” and then there would probably be some more lyrics but im not sure [/quote] we can build off of this idea. i was up late night bloarding watching a recording of dereklaserbeam until morning because bloard dot com is the place to be, bloard dot com is the place for me
- adams song but about bloard
- i never thought i'd bloard alone i made the best posts, who'dve known?
- bloard dot com bloard dot com peanut butta chocolate flavuhhh
- like a bloard over troubled water
- if you ask me we could do with a few less bloard users. you know who im talkin about
- its me isnt it