You just bring it upon yourself
man i feel bulliedm... ima leave no one aprectiates the beef
top posts
- We here at bloard believe in synergy. And what better way to create synergy than to synergize? That's why we've created gym_AND_Book_bloard. All your posting needs, with none of the hassle. Because honestly? Content creators, need to stick together. All posts in gym_AND_Book_bloard MUST relate to both books and the gym. If your post only relates to one of the two you will be banned for 24 hours. If your post relates to neither one of the two you will be banned for 36 hours. (this post is exempt) Subsequent bans will increase in time by 12 hours for each consecutive rule infracture. Please respect any differences in the opinions of others regarding both reading and working out.
- didnt really remember this guy, i only just found out about him but it looks like he was kind of a big deal like 5 years ago. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqIXc0jR3SU[/youtube]
- [youtube]WwT_SbBtX8U[/youtube]
- i have assisted in birthing the contents of every package or container i have ever opened
- http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37948762 http://www.vox.com/presidential-election/2016/11/10/13586322/trump-brexit-safety-pin http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/11/safety-pins-brexit-donald-trump-election/93639074/ this is comforting to hear about, though I wonder if mainstream media coverage will alert the MAGA people to co-opt this
- bump this thread at bed time and I'll let you in on my strats.
- I'm reading a book by a lunatic that says you should take 20 minute ice water baths to burn fat.
- no-one likes my baboon idea huh. wish i could say i found this surprising, but i don't. very disappointed in all of you
- Dare i say.... it's good to be good, unless you find out that it's actually good to be bad, in which case it would then be ideal to be bad because it would be good to be bad as i stated just now a second ago up there ^
- should i watch halloween 3? or is it the kind of film only doodoo durrbrains enjoy...
- [quote=orgamecha;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fback-on-bloard%2Fposts%2F6082] unblock me on twitter coward [/quote] ok sorry i use like 3 different block lists
- just had the most satisfying facial pore mask experience of my life god fuckin' bless america
- [quote=slow%20learner;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ftinder%2Fposts%2F3259] girls "chik's" want a jawline bloke with 17 inche instead of 14 inch biceps whom browses gym bloard and hAs lvl 100 strength but lvl <15 charisma , and also, 15,000 bitcoin . a lady want someone whom beg tyo be loved . the more subservient the better. field studies have show this [/quote] what da fuck 0_o
- twitter is for s*yb*ys that think "my wife" jokes are funny. consider yourself reedeemed in my eyes, YoshiFanatic2488. welcome back.