- .
- [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ya2sJBTLVzg/maxresdefault.jpg[/img]
- im high as shit
- I'm horny
- ahhhhhhhhhhhh haha welcome to my bl
- W/ faith you can ride anything
- i have faith, greg. can you ride me
- i have a panic attack whenever im not the most recent post on bloard.com!!
- i was having a panic attack but then i logged into this bloard and it went away
- AHHHH!!!!! We lost Derek!!! Ahh!! Isn't anybody gonna do anything!! FUUUUHHHHH
- that's rough
- that sucks. everyone says deep breathing helps, but sometimes it's hard to work yourself down once you get to that point
- i can't read this thread because it reminds me that panic attacks are a thing and then i have one
- it's back baby! the panic is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- not panicking but i am here for anyone who is. just ring me up on my pager
- going to the gym, so yes.
- im panic attacking bc the woman i care for is with another (weird looking) man ...too hung up to move on.. but cant wait forever., ...refuse to join da friendz0ne ...hitting gym bloard passionately...real bloard hours ...
- It'll pay off when she see's your top-slot gym bloard posts and ditches the dude
- joop.. thank you that is so wise
- i use my inner anger and rage to fuel my gym goings, unfortunately i'm a happy nice guy and that makes me a weak b3t4 male
- george costanza voice whats wrong with ni ce. Why dont women like nice
- http://www.tehposts.com/fiction/my-small-penis.html
- I'm not having a panic Attack know but I feel like I could potentially have one soon and I want to be prepared
- diggity
- very chill...across-the-bloard decrease in panick attack's
- ‼ [b] ☃[/b]
- [quote=%E2%98%83;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fpost-in-this-thread-when-ur-having-a-panic-attack%2Fposts%2F3282] ‼ [b] ☃[/b] [/quote] hey calm down
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fpost-in-this-thread-when-ur-having-a-panic-attack%2Fposts%2F4213] Aaahhh [/quote] whats wrong
- I had a panic attack (having another one now so I can post itt)
- cant sleep lately. my gym lifts are going to shit. this is how it ends. not with a bang, but with a bloard.
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fpost-in-this-thread-when-ur-having-a-panic-attack%2Fposts%2F4274] cant sleep lately. my gym lifts are going to shit. this is how it ends. not with a bang, but with a bloard. [/quote] i haventy been to the gym in 1 week but i only went once last week too. losing my gains