glug glug glug *mimes drinking from a bottle* lol
top posts
- hey bichj [youtube]bTTsen1ebo0?list=PLlUwJleaLq3zN4sUyuNlN7qHIdrzaQMWQ[/youtube]
- [quote=Snooby;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fgames-that-will-make-tyou-smorter%2Fposts%2F3615] Whats DRRD6? [/quote] the sequel to DRRD5
- I have a theory but im scared to talk about it as it might ruin some friendships 😕😕
- no that's not me sorry :( i usually go by goombo but i like the name beefsnack a lot too yes i don't have twitter sorry friend ! edit: but i do have discord for all the real gamers out there B)
- goulasch is really really freakin awesome, but they fucked the joke up and that's what pisses me off!!! should have been "ghoulash", what the fuck is a fucking GOUG???? GOUGLASH! they fucked it up, that's not a portmanteau at all!!!
- hahahahahahahaha i wanna go back and watch his vid on changing the keyboard dryer sheets now
- [quote=%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fposts-but-with-no-images-and-no-text%2Fposts%2F2180] [/quote]
- [quote=toilet%20man;%2Fbloards%2Fmusical_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fpost-you-re-favourite-song-right-now-from-this-week-in-yor-life%2Fposts%2F6072] [youtube][/youtube] [/quote] early 2000s kid here, this ius epic
- [quote=bloardman;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-4e9279bd-37aa-407a-bd11-610c3fd1f1d1%2Fposts%2F3947] Watashi broarduman [/quote]
- [youtube][/youtube] love that drum
- going 2 the gym tonight and so is KingDad ..giong to Skype each other when we bench press at the same time to give advice on something called "proper form"
- derek, this was fantastic, and the socks are good. thank you so much.
- thanks all. we didn't win. it was a tough case, and I made it closer than it would have otherwise been. my clients were really grateful that I was their attorney. now I can sleep again
- real talk: i am shit and should be allowed to die