It's a good one, ain't it. Feel free to save it I have plenty more
- haha, uh, great image. the guys at secret bloard are gonna love this one
- their is no image asshat
- huh, uh y eah there is. i can see it very clearly on the imax screen i browse bloard on. let me blow it up 10,000X so you can have a chance to see it on your ridulous tiny monitor [img][/img]
- Y'all couldn't see the image? It's a picture of me leaving this bull shit for good!! Wasting my goddamn fucking time making me click on an image of me leaving this motherfucker, goddamn fuckin A!! I'm out this bitch!! See you fucks somewhere maybe but I won't even know its you unless in one of those backyard music videos with the killer guitar solo on that james taylor or buffalo springfield videos balls deep cunts then I might see you but besides that i'm outa here looks like joop left anyway and kingdad bloardman never posts anything ill miss you hillips but fucken a, no! don't try to stop me bitches BB is 2 outa 10 although, maybe 3 outa 10 even though those 3 are absolutely incredible, let go of my sleeve it's over, oh you already got another site to tantalize well fuck you ill tie you to a tree and fuck you up the ass whilst giving you all handjobs ya fuckin perverts
- swann... I didn't understand the part about music videos. can you maybe restate it
- I thought it might be confusing but wanted it as impromptu as I could be courageous enough to do, and since that is my last post I felt extra courageous and shit cause I'm actually very pusillanimous in 3d uh ok on one of those chill tune posts someone posted a video of a bad ass cover song and the guitar player totally nailed the solo, they were outside in a rural setting I think, but I thought that one of these bloard members might be one of those players and since i'm totally out of this joint I was thinking I wouldn't see any of y'all again, but then I realized I don't know what you look like, so I could possibly see you and not know it, unless I have seen you were you one the peeps in the video, but i'm not going to memorize every face in the videos just in case I happen to run into one of ya, then from my posts you probably think i'm a tough guy and out of fear attack me and like I said i'm not so tuff so id be easily injured, uhh what was the ??
- I think I understand now, thank you
- [quote=Swann;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhey-guys-check-out-this-image-i-just-found%2Fposts%2F803] See you fucks somewhere maybe but I won't even know its you unless in one of those backyard music videos with the killer guitar solo on that james taylor or buffalo springfield videos balls deep cunts then I might see you[/quote] Yeah!! I've put a lot of effort in trying to make my writing clearer, and i'd say it's much better so you can imagine how obfuscated it was when I began. ok, just to make sure: I'll see you maybe, but wait, I don't know what any of you look like, unless you're in one of those home movie videos in the chill tune thread, then I might see you and recognize you. JOOP!!! HELP!!!!!!!!
- [img][/img]
- did not read lol
- Swann, please....... don't go..... i was in a coma but something came to me in the dream, in the dark blackness a light came down and said "swann is leaving, you must wake up" and so I did and now i'm back hello!
- well swann, there's always twitter if you want to keep up with basically anyone here
- twitter is alright, but you cannot post anything meaningful in 120 characters, and that is the true area where it fails
- that's bloard, blaby
- Errr, uhhh, oooooh, ueroooh OK!!! I'll stay!!! I mean how can one deny a medical excuse? How can I join anything with such a silly name like "Twitter" Bloard motherfucker Bloard N*gga!! Fuck Yeah, so nice to see you again Joop kingdad42 BB Thank-You BD!!! hillips that's a dope alien hieroglyphic w/ a Bob Marley spliff!!! bloardman, well you know, Yr bloardman. YES Sir!!!
- "green bean" 😐😐😐😁😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- plape. fuckin plape, dude, 😁
- grean bean
- what is grean, i know bean, it is like a vegetable, but what is grean i dont know what this is
- look good
- please limit this discussion to the bloard babes megathread in secret bloard
- love the bloard babes
- fkn bloard baby!!! love it live it dream it
- bloard: what you want when you want it