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- no woman at school teacher is very mean i dont think she is badass she make me do dentention 😡😡😡😡
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwho-runs-this-sight%2Fposts%2F576] hey.... while you were posting on bloard.... i got him [img]http://hotpaknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/man-with-goat.jpg[/img] [/quote] help
- heya bloardies (that's what i call fellow bloard members), i had a CRAY dream last night lool know what i'm sayin. anyway here goes i'ma launch this shit at u fast so keep on ya toes last night i dreamed... that.......... uuuuuuuuuuuhhh.......... uhhhh
- how do u decide things. should i pick something that's good enough ("satisficing") or should i Optimize for the Futura
- [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su2rfwUvn6M[/youtube]
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Foh-my-god%2Fposts%2F13823] *does a really shitty rap where i rhyme slow learner with salmonella, and it's embarassing* [/quote] mister chart toppa
- Well you might get your wish or maybe not!! Chapter 2 ratcfhet and clank and crash were walking through jungles on the way to the time twitser that was wating deeper into the jungle. "hurry up crash bandicoot" said clank, "we are running out of time!" "oh no" said crash and the three of them walked faster. but at that time cortex and uka uka were watching them from there secret spacestation. "look" said cortex,"everything is going as i planned it." "chut up" said uka uka. just hten they came across the time machine. "well here we are" said crash bandicoot. "you can probably get back to your own planet i fyou can colect all of the 25 chrystals from the warp machines here" "thanks" said ratchet, "we'll need it!" Then he and clank got into each warp bubble and started collecting chrystals
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fgames-that-will-make-tyou-smorter%2Fposts%2F3612] Warioware touched [/quote] yea
- [quote=joop;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fy-all-ever-seen-some-shit%2Fposts%2F4173] yeah i seen some shit. in the mirror. because i was behind you looking over your shoulder. at you. I'm saying that you're a piece of a shit [/quote] what the FUCK ....??? dude,.,.......................................
- that gfeeling when Bae checks your Bloard histpry and finds out you visited -___- "//horney bloared//"
- That's a shame. I found a gift card to a furniture shop right outside it in the car park, but I haven't worked up the nerve to go in and try using it in case they think I stole it, and I think it will probably expire soon because the thought of using it has been hanging over me for what seems like years now.
- [img]https://c.pxhere.com/photos/1d/78/man_strange_male_funny_face_person_adult_crazy-1325835.jpg!d[/img] will the bird king eat you or will you eat the bird king is the question that this image asks the viewer
- [quote=bug%20deal;%2Fbloards%2Fgym_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fwelcum-to-gym-bloard%2Fposts%2F5501] do you do everything snooby tells you... [/quote] most of it. he's surprisingly wise
- bloard needs more posts!
- [quote=%22kob%22;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fthread-for-coming-down-after-a-night-of-raving%2Fposts%2F9954] nigga [/quote] please sir, this is a wendy's
- [quote=bug%20deal;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsanta%2Fposts%2F8003] THat's the running speed, not the flight speed. [/quote] then prove the fleight speed of reindeir
- [youtube]v0bqSJXhAAE[/youtube]