can i join in with the war please
top posts
- Aha, yes! *reads each new post diligently while stroking beard* yesss....
- gummy anything >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coke flavored anythging
- dude ... its already afternoon in europe... get with the times...
- I'm going to the gym in 6 hours
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fyour-favourite-moji%2Fposts%2F1104] 👹 [/quote] i just zoomed in on that and its really freaking me out👀
- tHats weird ,mine are preserved in the Smithsonian
- [quote=bug%20deal;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsuper-smash-bloarders%2Fposts%2F7939] please use this secret code to become my nintendo friendo. SW-8534-0593-7216 [/quote] prepare to be added to my friends list. i dont even have smash
- an inconvenient time i had greasy fingers was when i first read this post. i was at the pizza place down the street from where i work and i had just started eating one of the two slices of cheese pizza i had ordered for lunch.
- Bookmarking this one for later....thanks OP
- if there's one thing I like in life, just one thing that brings me peace and serenity, it's posting in the_pumpkin_patch