top posts
- Baking soda and something else, pay back dem student loans quickly!
- I just re-read the border trilogy. Now I am reading voidstar by zachary mason. not sure about it yet.
- my friend donnelly miller showed me a trick where when your planking at the gym, just pop open a book and have a look. see if you can read the whole book while planking
- i will say that i appreciate side-scroller fighters for the fact that they keep local multiplayer alive. a dying features in almost every other genre
- [Youtube]https://youtu.be/nAFF4cOCHqI[/youtube]
- a 'mato, sliced, with salt and pepper
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fi-will-write-you-d-d-character-sheet%2Fposts%2F9986] you deal 4 damage to funzo, instantly decimating his 4 hp, his head crumbles under your hand like a sandcastle and he screams. (you scrape his remains into a little bag for safekeeping) [/quote] I head north to hobbit village. before i arrive i lock my tweets and turn off notifcations, and i smear some of funzo's remains on my face, two long vertical funzo lines under my eyes like the wolf princess from princess mononoke
- https://twitter.com/keijihainovevo/status/886958127991721986
- plugged my dog's tail into an outlet to see if it would turn into a dryer as per ☃'s suggestion. nothing happened as we (myself and my friends, as we together are an investigative troupe) were in an abandoned insane asylum and there was no electricity to be found in the building. however we believe that the sounds the locals report coming from the asylum are from small speakers strategically placed to keep passers-by out for other perhaps nefarious activities. we also have some grainy footage of old man jenkins on the asylum grounds at odd hours, and we believe he may be up to something if not related to the strange reports given to us by the locals. anyway, my dog is still a dog and is not a dryer, so it appears that i cannot help you with your problem, OP.