Cuz I've got one baby!!!! It's used so it's not under warranty.👺
- those are a pain in the bitch, only ever had bad experiences and no idea how to accurately make it work again sorry bud
- thanks kingdad for the support
- gonna need more info. is the decoupler head still intact? you'll be able to tell if you start it up and listen for the low-resonance reducter (sounds kinda like a rat chewing on a spoon). if you dont it's a good sign that you got a cracked decoupler and need to replace the whole thermal transfer assembly which you may as well just get a new machine at that point. of course if you do hear it and it sounds normal, it could simply be a problem with one of the transducer diodes and to fix that you'd just need to short the main frequency output controller with like a wet sponge or something
- thx moog. it doesn't start at all which probably means the thermal fuse was tripped or something
- is it plugged in? if not, try plugging it in. you can tell by looking at the back of it and seeing if the "tail" is laying on the floor instead of in an outle.t
- americans should just use these instead [img][/img] whisper quiet dries all your clothes nicley and cheaper than a real horse 😂
- europe was so full of that shit, eco friendly but a HUGE pain in my ass!
- ah dad nabbit, sorry fellas i thought we were talking about one of these [img][/img] but hillips, i will look into that dryer. i've been going to work in wet clothes for years and never even thought about it
- plugged my dog's tail into an outlet to see if it would turn into a dryer as per ☃'s suggestion. nothing happened as we (myself and my friends, as we together are an investigative troupe) were in an abandoned insane asylum and there was no electricity to be found in the building. however we believe that the sounds the locals report coming from the asylum are from small speakers strategically placed to keep passers-by out for other perhaps nefarious activities. we also have some grainy footage of old man jenkins on the asylum grounds at odd hours, and we believe he may be up to something if not related to the strange reports given to us by the locals. anyway, my dog is still a dog and is not a dryer, so it appears that i cannot help you with your problem, OP.
- wow lots of good feedback. we do have one of those clothes hangy things so it might be a while before we bother repairing the dryer lol
- are the fancy german made brands affordable in germany?
- Has anyone said very carefully yet? Very carefully
- derek I think they're like half price here, but I got an AEG dryer for 50 Euros used, which is why it's broken probably
- [img][/img]
- oh dude theres a man in your dryer no wunner it dont work
- two toilets
- enjoying the at least weasel tumble dryer saga so far
- the at least weasel tumble dryer saga reached its thrilling conclusion this week when at_least_weasel stopped posting on here.
- ret in bloard.
- sorry guys still haven't fixed the dryer. i bought a multimeter though to test out the cables
- [img][/img]
- i have some jumper cables u can borrow