the new Graham Kartna album is getting a lot of plays from me.
top posts
- king dad can pass for multiple ethnicities
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhave-you%2Fposts%2F7946] i was on bloard once when i had just found the site and there were only like 10 threads. i tried to show it to my friend but to my horror he decided to make an account and drop a couple of fartposts... we're not friends any more but its not because of [url=]the bloard incident[/url], im just not good at keeping in touch with people. [/quote] damn... tough times ...
- Hey guys, kissing update. My plans fell through and I'm still working on my first kiss but starting from scratch. Any support you can offer is appreciated, never realized my kissing license was expired and I have to re-take all my license exams since it's been so long... embarresing
- basically techno is either unfathomably cool or gay as shit and never anything in between
- a thread in the no thread zone π©wait'll the fellers hear about this
- whaus' up. asking unironcally.
- Book bloard is going down!! It's safe to Share ur secret anti-book bloard battle plans with me.
- [quote=joop;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F4222] buffalo dip tonight [/quote] cheers brother
- im perma banned from horny bloard for typing "i dont have a penis anymore" in every single thread and refusing to elaborate