[img]https://i.giphy.com/media/3osxYwmraxchZLYOPK/giphy.webp [/img]
- how do i beat jevil. how do i dodge the circle spade attack
- [quote=i'ts%20good;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhoppy-halloween%2Fposts%2F7644] how do i beat jevil. how do i dodge the circle spade attack [/quote] just be yourself
- i saw this post 2 days after halloween which has made it even more terrifying
- [quote=i'ts%20good;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhoppy-halloween%2Fposts%2F7644] how do i beat jevil. how do i dodge the circle spade attack [/quote] my posting theme https://tobyfox.bandcamp.com/track/the-world-revolving
- note to self in 6 months make halloween thread at easter so its like a bloard reference to this one. actually nvm i probly wont do that but just pretend that i did. 😁😁😁😁😁😁 +1 this post please
- good idea i will steal it
- that would be well epic mate, fucking legend. would so love it if you did that to me pal. i guess if you put thousands of dollars into a gofundme to get one of the mods' gf out of jail they just let you do whatever you want on here? haha love it
- shes my gf now
- [quote=i'ts%20good;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhoppy-halloween%2Fposts%2F7644] how do i beat jevil. how do i dodge the circle spade attack [/quote] I havent beaten the fight but I can dodge a few waves of this attack by going in a circle the same direction as the spades. when they switch directions though you got to follow quickly.
- why is this thread stil excist? its december wtf!!!
- the devil (halloween boss) never rests.