its exciting to think about
- My mental stability has been getting worse over time, and maybe it is from this trigger that I have been able to better remember my dreams. They're fragmented and I have to work to keep them in my memory, but they most certainly feel more real than ever when I have them. Just as real as real life anyways. It's a bad sign when your dreams are better than reality. Anyways, I got sidetracked. What I meant to say is that dream symbolism is a very interesting topic indeed, but it varies greatly from person to person; not everyone's dreams can be interpreted in the same ways, even if they seem similar!! It's crazy when you think about it, but also makes a lot of sense because everyone's experiences are uniquely tailored to them. But that all aside, I live in a pretty fucked up hole in the wall, listening to Eric Clapton when I can but still getting feelings of dread, and it's greatly hampering my journeys into the dream world. Perhaps when I leave this job in a couple of weeks I can fully devote myself to exploring the land of dreams. Perhaps, someday, I can even leave this mortal form and fully embrace the somnambulility of the better world. Or at the very least chart it out. Tell me what you think fellow bloarders... shall we create an encyclopedia of dream knowledge together???
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fbloard2%2Ftopics%2Fgood-new-year-s-to-all-of-you-bloarders-out-there%2Fposts%2F8222] 2019 is going to be fucking sick. cant wait until its 2020 and i can look back at this post and reflect on how right i am/was. will be even better if kingdad posts some wrong af shit here so 2020 me can laugh at him as well. i am still not able to extract any meaning from OP. might just be a bunch of made up shit . [/quote] *the disease voice* looks like i got the last laugh!
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fpost-images-but-no-text%2Fposts%2F3273] [img][/img] [/quote] [img][/img]
- this is fucking magical hillips, this is changing my motherfucking life!!!
- you gotten jacked yet? i finally lifted 10 pounds the other week. felt good to go up in weight. i'm almost there
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhey-derek%2Fposts%2F7149] haha see! ur such a liar wowneat i just can’t even. also, what i’m eating now is your mom’s pussy. bitch ass punk. why don’t you come upstairs and eat your dinner ya fuckin loser. [/quote] holy sh*t derek just went beast mode on his ass!
- jerry put that part in the poem becuase he was scared people were gonna say he was the king but he's really the hobbit prince (does the same thing as the king but no status in the kingdom)
- my nuts are freezing cold. this is not normal.
- [youtube][/youtube]
- That's always awkward. I went to a wedding last summer, but luckily I knew a good handful of the people there, so we just pigged out and had fun.
- It has to be Interj0sh. That's the classic rivalry right there. Mr. Spaghetti, your thoughts?
- McDonalds and the Clumsiness Spell One hot day, ronald and grimace were making hamburgers at theyre restaurant (MCdonalds). it was a very hot day and not a lot of people were there. "gee roneld" said grimace, "we have been making this hamburgers for many hour and i am geting tired out. maybe we should take litle break eh?" "cram it!" yelled ronald macdonald rudely. grimace sulked. He was awfuly tired Several days later they were still at it. Mcdonlad was i na furious mood because no one had eaten there burgers and he had to get enough money to pay there rent. Grimace was sweting profoundly and was lying in the shade. "Common grimmice" said ronatld, do you want us to go out of business. but he does not get up. ronald stalked over, raised his right foot comicaly in the air behind him, and gave a swift boot to the stomech. YOUUUUCHE yeled grimace fling to his feet hiting his head on the cieling. "Thats better" said ron in a huff. "Now cook these burger in cas we get costomers" but grimice wasnt feeling up to it. He stagered around the small kitchen, bumping into frying pans and ketchup greases. whats wrong with me he thought as he triped over a grease hose and almost landed face first in a hamburger fryer. "hey gramace" wispered a familiar voice. Grimce turned to see who should it be but...the fry kids siting on theyre shelf, "hey gramace heh it looks like your a bit clumsy to day! dont you heh think you shouldnt work in kitchen." angry, grimice picked up the fry kids and shoved them down his throat. he was tired out from the hot wave and neded a wake u pchear . couple day slater they were still making hamburgers. they had made so many that their was a throne of hamburgers in ever room of the restaurant. even the hambargers where made of hamburgers. suddenly there was a knock at the doo=r which had become hamburger's. Ronald who had become fairly paranoid opened up the door and called "WHO IS IT" he called this into the face of mayr mchese! "we havent heard from the fry kid in 2 weeks" said the mayor, "where going to take a litle look see and try and find the kids. Grimace was hearing all this from the bath room. he kenw that it would be al over if the maoyr found out what he had done. he started sweating and shaking.. all of a suden the window burst open. it was-the hamburglre and he as going to take everything made of hamburger which was all of the items in the restarant. thinking quickely grimace hurled the hamburg through theo wall and said MAYRO MCHEESE i have FOUND the CRIMINAL. with that the hamburglar was sifwly arrested. no one ever found out what grimace had done and he never told anyone about it. ronald mconald learned a valuable lesson
- adks...? lol, thread fucking ruined!
- i can't read this thread because it reminds me that panic attacks are a thing and then i have one
- twitter is alright, but you cannot post anything meaningful in 120 characters, and that is the true area where it fails
- my coworker exploded at my other coworker who is a flat earther. it was quite intense
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhow-s-bloard%2Fposts%2F3210] how's bloard.... how's bloard... [img][/img] [/quote] How's Yoshi... How's Yoshi...