i missed the gym today. did chest on monday thou. i'm about 160 pounds now
- I feel like my bench has been getting a lot weaker lately. Granted I haven't been as consistent as I once was. They're letting me keep my gym membership for free until the end of the year though, so I'm very grateful for that.
- i think i squatted too much weight yesterday. probably have a hernia. RIP
- jerry put that part in the poem becuase he was scared people were gonna say he was the king but he's really the hobbit prince (does the same thing as the king but no status in the kingdom)
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fhey-derek%2Fposts%2F7149] haha see! ur such a liar wowneat i just can’t even. also, what i’m eating now is your mom’s pussy. bitch ass punk. why don’t you come upstairs and eat your dinner ya fuckin loser. [/quote] holy sh*t derek just went beast mode on his ass!
- fidget spinners are the mushy peas of dog crap!!
- i am the april fool, torture me and give me treats until i scream
- hmmmmmmmmmmmmm new hampshire?? have to pass on that one. The truest state of the two is the green mountain state... the one and only Vermont! ✊
- i really hope that AfD goes away forever, otherwise i dont know, maybe support the violetten
- hey swann i am going to write an epic novel on the bloard some day, would u be okay if i used a post of yours in my chronicling? i was inspired and it really spoke to me
- why dont we call it christmas and enjoy the present? haha. fuck
- Yume Nikki is really really good. If you guys have time check out Space Funeral as well, that's another great title.
- damm!!!!!!!!!!! thats some shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [quote=%E2%98%83;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F13901] no [/quote] no..ts... in your mouth LMFAO
- butt hole because it would be just like poopoing would you rather eat two century eggs with no water or would you rather suck on a great big fat guy's toes for 30 min
- my coworker exploded at my other coworker who is a flat earther. it was quite intense
- i can't read this thread because it reminds me that panic attacks are a thing and then i have one
- It has to be Interj0sh. That's the classic rivalry right there. Mr. Spaghetti, your thoughts?
- That's always awkward. I went to a wedding last summer, but luckily I knew a good handful of the people there, so we just pigged out and had fun.
- [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut9kyP1Bsx4[/youtube]