Just took a huuuuuge plimpie
EDIT: sorry wrong thread
- anything to say in your defense bloardman? anything to say before we come and get your damn ass
- For a limited time offer we are now offering hummus infused SnoobyMilk™. He got into our special patch of Big Boy Workouts™ Chickpeas and is now completely stuffed, and ready to be milked (for a year straight!). [img]http://i.imgur.com/9qAzBdG.jpg[/img] Offer while supplies last.
- I think it's something else... Sure is... Chilly... Frosty even...
- [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cgB_BSb83_k/URlzsKFVQZI/AAAAAAAAApg/y2POfDMhpEY/s1600/Da%20fuck.jpg[/img]
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/wF5k00V.jpg[/img]
- feels like u have been here forever yoshifantatic, but that just goes to show how tight nit our community of bloarders is☺
- i'm smelling like a creature from the lost plains
- [quote=Snooby;%2Fbloards%2FHi_all_Ralp_here_welcome_to_my_Bloard%2Ftopics%2Fpost-quality%2Fposts%2F3103] Great post, KD. Something I'd like to add: Fuck you.l [/quote] Tracing post IP.... Target acquired.... Location: Canada.... Triangulating............. Accessing security cameras..... Target located..... Image uploading.... [img]http://i.imgur.com/VsILC0A.png[/img]
- English States (only for freaking England, i KNOW what the united king dom is so PLEASE just let me post in peace): Fiddleferry Sconcey-Doo Shrups Glosdenderry Yorkshire London Hilldrubsy Crontenshire The Hill Country how many did I get?
- yeah because she couldn't see it under all your pounds (fat) and turned 360 degrees and walked away
- Welcome to Bloard. It's a very inviting community, and I'm sure you will do well here. Be wary though, as some of the clowns from clown college escaped and now post here, and will try to initiate you into their fucked up circus act they call posts. Be stern, and don't fall for their shit. But most importantly, have fun. ☺☺
- Thinking of getting better at writing by posting on here more.
- Let's get cozy. :) [img]https://iso.500px.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/winners_cover-1500x1000.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcRXO5vVcRg[/youtube]
- [img]http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/missourifarmertoday.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/8/43/843fe5ae-41fb-11e1-ab3f-0019bb2963f4/4f17040ee4604.image.jpg[/img] Hey what's up guys, haha, just hangin' and kickin' it with Snooby over here in the isolated woods that can't be located on a GPS, haha. What's that? Hmmm? Oh yeah, depending on your next responses to this thread I may or may not get so riled up that I crush his measly skull between my burly man-hands. Haha, just kidding! Maybe... Haha!
- I'm trying to become unstoppably powerful.
- FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!
- your enlisting into the toilet with all the other stinky pieces of poo doo
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Foooh-lume%2Fposts%2F5733] Snooby. you could have asked to use the bathroom and farted in there [/quote] he's gonna be thinking about this and saying "shit" under his breath for the rest of his life
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2FHi_all_Ralp_here_welcome_to_my_Bloard%2Ftopics%2Fthe-king-of-posting%2Fposts%2F2163] not real at all. a 100% horsedick tale of lies and falsitudes [/quote] fuck off mate before i get pissed !!
- Drottinn leiði drösulinn minn, drjúgur verður síðasti áfanginn.
- i've done it and i'm not proud, but i have to admit to my sins. many pick men have died under my command and only i am to blame for the end of their lives.
- went to the gym for two hours yesterday and now i'm mega sore. the price to pay to getting powerful though
- chun li.. more like.. kush...toke...uh..weed....fuck this im going to lie down
- I bow to no man, and as Martin Luther of the days of old did, I rebel. I will create a more prosperous Bloard and do away with all the old rituals. A purer bloard for the masses to directly communicate with the content. Welcome to Bioard motherfuckers.
- [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/5/26/11/enhanced-buzz-22918-1369583576-2.jpg[/img] We ah da Banana Rebels, and we have been fowced to do dis becawse of YOU, Hiwips. Respect owuh demands ow else.