top posts
- bug deal... bug deal, bug deal, bug deal... (starts smacking head like im thinking real hard) bug deal... (gasp) [b]Doug Beale.[/b]
- [quote=Mister%20Spigetti;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgood-bloards%2Fposts%2F6359] Horny bloard [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/662b34d380940734a78a5b4294cbcccb/tenor.gif?itemid=4603978[/img]
- But seriously, I'd like to eat his ass, suck it, exploure his hole with my tongue, and maybe even become his permanent fart slave. Thoughts?
- any fellow bloarders play fighting games.. you know like street fighter and smash bros. that kind of thing. I love these games. would be "chill" to get in some matches with some bloard boys. maybe start a clan
- Just in case you don't know I was self deprecating, you probably know though. I find books a super good time, but whatever yr good times are fill yr day with them!!! Nietzsche Ecco Homo
- it would be cool to live somewhere with a closet big enough to stand inside
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwwait-a-minute%2Fposts%2F10194] what is the answer! we dont have much time! [/quote] the end is near! the end is near! repent!
- (reads the wikipedia page for pumped up kicks) what the
- hey guys what's going on (this was post #99 when I posted it)
- i forget if i added you already bug deal but we should play smash brothers