let me get in on this hex hillips... don't hog it dude
- funny thing i just thought of: "Breaking Bloard" just tossing ideas around. lmk how it hits u
- great memory derek (ignore the troll above me) i recall playing CTR (that's crash team racing) on ps1 as a kid and trying to get a platinum relic on crash cove. i collected all the time boxes and was just short of the platinum relic qualifying time. dismayed, i hung my head. but little did i know you get a time deduction bonus for getting all the boxes. this deduction pushed me into platinum range. i hi-fived a nearby friend real hard
- as a working class white person, I relate all too well to *earphone cuts out & Joe Kennedy III has to improvise* cranking up kingdom Hearts piano collections so mom can't hear you slamming shaft saving this for the 2020 election cycle
- welcome to bloard! we are a tight-knit community of like-minded posters who above all love to share the lols and Bring It In! by the way, i've given you your first plus one. this means you are bound to me as a bloard thrall and have to plus one all my posts
- how could an economic system that forces everyone to wear hats possibly be good
- nice irony you got there.... it would be a shame if i were toβ *cop starts breakdancing*
- not panicking but i am here for anyone who is. just ring me up on my pager
- drafting various owns and takedowns for future use
- never been guilty of this. bloard is my fucking life. i would die for bloard. i would kill for bloard
- they call it the nintendo switch because after you get it you go back to the store and switch it for a ps4
- going to make buffalo dip today for the first time in a long time
- bloard was pretty cool but i've moved on to Sucking My Own Dick, Literally Fellating My Self jk π bloard ft mf win
- [quote=bug%20deal;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fonly-old-school-bloarders-will-get-this-reference%2Fposts%2F2788] oh no... i just understood... [/quote] smack the green one
- you guys see the seinfeld episode about ants. where cramer says "ants, jerry,, mmmmwwwAAAnts!!"
- i'm trying to bulk on a renaissance periodization program but it's hard as hell to do intermittent fasting AND eat a caloric surplus on only whole/non-refined foods. i slept 12 hours straight last night. woke up, walked into the living room and looked at the clock as my eyes came into focus and sure enough it said 12:00 (i went to sleep at abt 11:45 iirc).
- The only combo breaker I know of is this here gawper of mine. This here pie hole.
- persistent low level cramping pain in my neck/shoulder left side region. getting a pizza tonight
- Sounds like this dude two posts above me is an actual straight up dog
- shirt idea: FRONT: hello i'd like to take a BACK: crack at a slice of that beautiful black ass, baby
- siphoning all the best candies out of my son's Γ±ata and replacing them with dried fruit snacks
- i'll be watching this unfold from gym bloard. you know where to find me. that's right, on gym bloard.
- theory: bloard is both the club [i]and[/i] the niece. still can't fucken do italics
- Holy shit! Holy shit!!! I wonder what she's typing next
- i was like you once. now i lift, have high t, and fap to pictures of people making tiny houses
- I used to be staunchly against smoking cigarettes. I still think it's not good (like, you obviously shouldn't do it if you don't feel you have to), but my understanding of health and people's obligations towards health have been evolving lately. Right now if you asked me I'd probably shrug meaningfully