Sorry, I don't hear color.
- yeah i seen some shit. in the mirror. because i was behind you looking over your shoulder. at you. I'm saying that you're a piece of a shit
- Starting to get back under heavier weight again after three cycles of Accutane and many injuries. Here's today: Back squat: 5 @ 125, 145, 165, 185; 3 @ 225; 8 @ 165 Bench: 5 @ 95, 110, 125, 140; 3 @ 165; 8 @ 125 DB split squat: 3 × 10 @ 35 Chest fly: 3 × 12 @ 85 YTW: 3 × 12 @ 5 Sit up: 4 × 10 @ 25 Leg raise: 4 × 20 Hoping to get a 305 double on backsquat and a 205 double on bench by the end of the macrocycle. 325 or so deadlift double and 185 push press double. Then aim for prs next macrocycle if I haven't taken on any terrible injuries
- going to work out with [b]Jillian Michaels[/b] soon
- 1. this post 2. read this post 3. a printout of this post
- followed, blocked, reported, unfollowed
- Viewing this on mobile. Can't with to get to the old desktop and see it in full 4k properly formatted glory
- These days, all I do is Wonder if you bloardin' over backwards for someone else Wonder if you're trollin' up a bad post for someone else Doing things I taught you, writin' OC for someone else You don't need no one else You don't need nobody else, no Why you always posting goatse, Why you never plus one me, Used to always stay on gbs, be a good girl You wasn't in the no thread zone, yeah You should just be yourself Right now, you're someone else You used to call me on my cell fuck
- Unfortunately only a third of bloard believed. Needed a majority
- that's right little erik, or to maintain strength as much as possible while lowering body fat percentage. though cutting is always a crapshoot and becomes more about damage control than anything else
- [b]Final Fantasy VII[/b] tied with [b]Final Fantasy IX[/b]
- You will find that I will only truly have left this site when none here are loyal to me. You will also find that help will be given at Bloard to those who ask for it.
- i know i already said this once but i wanna say it again: bloard 🐳
- I like elon musk and I think a lot of the lonely island videos are hilarious
- [quote=joop;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F12868] persistent low level cramping pain in my neck/shoulder left side region. getting a pizza tonight [/quote] i have this on my right side now
- Has anyone said very carefully yet? Very carefully
- gonna see star wars in a couple hours
- I like them. I like the photoshopped pic EDIT: spelling
- would you like to forward this tweet to a friend?
- Little bit of rib pain today. Idk if its intercostal muscular spasm, costochondritis, or something else like cutaneous nerve entrapment or referred pain from something else. I still hit a cycle pr on clean deads though they were pretty ugly. Could have been worse though for sure
- Trying to write a book at the moment though my progress has slowed to a crawl recently