man i've always wanted to join, and i finally did it! is there a programmers bloard I can go to???
- you cant get there from here
- yes. here it is
- Welcome 🤗
- Goo goo ga ga lol
- op, you could make your own bloard for programming. i am trying to learn some programming myself for use in computer games 😃 i might post on there.
- I'm all for a programming bloard let's get it poppin my daggerts
- hey welcome to Bloard.Com
- welcome to, the poster child of Unreal Engine 5, a video game that's so immersive you'll forget your playing and think you're posting on a shitty message board
- [quote=joop;%2Fbloards%2FBabytalk%2Ftopics%2Fhey-guys-new-on-bloard%2Fposts%2F5805] welcome to, the poster child of Unreal Engine 5, a video game that's so immersive you'll forget your playing and think you're posting on a shitty message board [/quote] lmfao
- Here's a tip for new bloarders and veteran bloarders alike: +1 my posts only
- 3 days old... no +1s... a classic Bloard Fail!!! LMFAO, anyhow, you'll pick it up quick pal :)[quote=Mister%20Spigetti;%2Fbloards%2FBabytalk%2Ftopics%2Fhey-guys-new-on-bloard%2Fposts%2F5991] Here's a tip for new bloarders and veteran bloarders alike: +1 my posts only [/quote]