I'm installing a Windows XP virtual machine too play MechWarrior 2 Mercenaries upon .
Mister Spigetti
- I like the idea of haveing a heo dude (geodude bloard) blorad, for Knig dad of course
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Ftghe%2Ftopics%2Ffaces-of-bloard%2Fposts%2F3900] [img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/-zKnPTRAFknE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/c8cubr3HGIM/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg[/img] [/quote] Well played.
- I'm studying aaaabroad right now and I probably wouldn;t have met my friends if I knew everything that i needed to when I got here. I'm glad I did meet them though :)
- rock tree fish snake likzar cat funky looking watermelon jarjar tissues, Paper towel roll cups the little cardboard boxes that you can separate to put a sixpack in beer aand keyboard.
- What can I say, it's just the song I'm listening to rigth now (kingston trio version)
- The first person who comments on this thread will get a prize from me mister spigetti USA. The prize is that I mail you a nice glass of wine to celebrate your commenting first on my good thread. good luck
- I've been hovering in the 230 range for weeks. Please get me to 240 and then we'll work on the coveted 1k
- Here's a tip for new bloarders and veteran bloarders alike: +1 my posts only
- No, that's not right, I created Horny bloard as a haven for all those who have become Horny, for whatever reason, during their time browsing the website of bloard.com
- How are you using these answers to make your decisions I'm not sure I like my result
- Hey guys, just stopping in with my take on the original post. Yoshi is just tryi
- Pretty straightforward question. I gotta go with either the slow learner
- [quote=Claire!!!!!!!;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fi-am-now-the-bloard-president%2Fposts%2F11502] KD might be the President but I’m the Queen of Horny Bloard and I would *die* for that filthy hellhole [/quote] I did not approve you being Horny bloard queen but I probably would have if you consulted me before hand :( But I admire your dedication of being willing to die for Horny bloard so I've got a lot to think about
- Me at work: Decoherence does not generate actual wave function collapse. It only provides an explanation for the observation of wave function collapse, as the quantum nature of the system "leaks" into the environment. That is, components of the wavefunction are decoupled from a coherent system, and acquire phases from their immediate surroundings. A total superposition of the global or universal wavefunction still exists (and remains coherent at the global level), but its ultimate fate remains an interpretational issue. Specifically, decoherence does not attempt to explain the measurement problem. Rather, decoherence provides an explanation for the transition of the system to a mixture of states that seem to correspond to those states observers perceive. Moreover, our observation tells us that this mixture looks like a proper quantum ensemble in a measurement situation, as we observe that measurements lead to the "realization" of precisely one state in the "ensemble". me on bloard: gibing a +1 in memory of Swann LOL
- I found bloard because of twitter but I don't remember who told me about it. Pprobably either chernip or the slow learner
- No anime in Horny bloard please. vThiss is a sacred zone
- Ah, yes, as I was browsing bloard today, I realized that something was missing because I saw that there was a lack of that one type of post that we all know and love, which needless to say is called the Horny post. So now I create this bloard and let you post on it as a place to put all you Horniest posts just if you want to or maybe if you wanted to read some. I don't want to post in it right now but all of you bloard users feel free to post it up in my Horny bloard
- 1. hamburer 2. yes 3. Dolan duck is my favorite meme 4. i amn't an ant 5. no 6. Having never popped a ball while squatting, I can't say for sure 7. no
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F4020] I love to crawl around on my knuckles and lick up every ant I see! Haha!!!!! Yumm Yumm Yummy!!!!!!!! I scream that every time I see an ant and just start licking them up!!!!! I'm also 6'5 and will kick your ass if you say anything. [/quote] My post about Barnacle Jim deserves more +1s than this
- I could o for some chili or nachos right about now
- I've never had cognac but nice choices with the other two. The only alcohol that I currently own is Duggan's Dew blended scotch
- I'll wait a bit I hope I like it
- This has been my most embarrassing moment on bloard I'll try to do better from now on. I'm mjust trying to get some +1s here!!!
- I've been in friggin Bellegarde all day because the trains are on strike. I've been finding various ways to kill time until I can leave at 17:00
- I've been in friggin Bellegarde all day because the trains are on strike. I've been finding various ways to kill time until I can leave at 17:00
- the mother "load:.. Thionk about that guys. Mother load. Mother load (load)
- [quote=SingingFlesh;%2Fbloards%2FHorny_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fblorn%2Fposts%2F13184] How do I post on bloar Excuse me I need help how do I post topic Help help help help needed help how do I post on blored Im new hello how do I prost on borund Post tropic send post topic send send send Search topic titties and asshole search topic big tittie assholm Excuse how do I search on blorg excuse me [/quote] This is the antithesis of Horny. WHen you post in the Horny pbloard basucally you gooa get all thet Horny out in just the wildest way imaginable . But yougotta remember to also be tasteful when you get the Hoyny out. Or else it comes off as "lacking class" and it just brings the site of bloard.com down as a whole. And as we all know I created Horny bloard with the intenteion of making it the hub of all activit y on the WOrld Wide Web. So basically just try to keep it a bit more tastefull from here on out as you continue to get your Horny on.