What is the worst band in your honest opinion. All time. or by decade or year or something. actually by year would be pretty funny if someone seriously wanted to do that lol.... heh, yeah that would be neat.
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- The Worst Band
- smiths 😩
- the chernip band lol now for my serious answer: every metalcore/deathcore band. i cant give a single name but that genre is overall terrible. korn sucks too
- [quote=kim_jong_skillz;%2Fbloards%2Fmusical_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fthe-worst-band%2Fposts%2F5578] korn sucks too [/quote] tjhen explain why they fucking rock if they suck, bitch
- [quote=wowneat;%2Fbloards%2Fmusical_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fthe-worst-band%2Fposts%2F5588] tjhen explain why they fucking rock if they suck, bitch [/quote] the band is named korn because theyre a bunch of korn balls
- they're all really, really good. all the bands.
- music is fucking sick
- definitely in my top 10 list of things to listen to
- 1-10: all Music
- Nickleback anyone??? Lol!
- [quote=Mister%20Spigetti;%2Fbloards%2Fmusical_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fthe-worst-band%2Fposts%2F5704] Nickleback anyone??? Lol! [/quote] wish i could upbloard this more than once lol, and that my son saw that car coming rofl....😔
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- The Worst Band