number with multiple decimal point.. 34.12164.6395
You call people stupid bird brains you're going to get the pecker
- [quote=haunted_shrub;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fsaturday-night-bloard%2Fposts%2F11220] the "jerry is being temperamental(sic) but..." pic. [/quote] i had not noticed that lmao
- a curse for dick chappy: your socks will feel weird. that little seam will bunch up in the way you don't like, for a the whole year 😨
- Raymond moist, i dunno man.. I'll see if I can work one up for you but that stunt Claire pulled really tapped me out.
- i turn around and wait to see if this guy talks more about gramma getting eaten out barn style
- I asked her she said she hasn't gone on the computer lately
- just taking a bigger breath and calming down ffffffffffffffffffffinkle
- i'ts good, a curse: you'll bite your lip every time you get too excited about eating a really good food, for the whole year.
- its popping off and i have been advised to no longer post pictures of it or talk about it on the internet
- here is my rotli recipe. i make perfelcty round rotli for my wife using this recipe. - 1 cup whole wheat flour - 1/3 cup [b]warm[/b] water - a little oil mix all those up. use warm water. if you use cold water the dough will get stickey. the oil helps when rolling. then roll them out using a tapered french rolling pin. put them on the griddle until they puff, then flip them over.
- [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fi-will-write-you-d-d-character-sheet%2Fposts%2F9975] he does a massive chuckle, and with a giant friendly grin on his face he points you north to the hobbit village and animal rescue sanctuary knowing full well the consequence of his actions [/quote] Bullshit he doesn't. I attempt a non lethal attack on him to incapacitate him, so I can take him to hobbit village with me.
- as a freeman of the bloard i wish to ask little erik how he's doing, man?
- [youtube][/youtube]
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fitsgood%2Ftopics%2Flist-of-bloarders-who-want-to-be-my-friend-jerry-edition%2Fposts%2F10272] Jerry I have always wanted to be your friend 😀 more than i do with anyone else on this site. and that's true. [/quote] This user was banned for this post
- Don't :) completely understandable mistake. If someone said "hey jery" I probably would have thought they were talking to me :) don't sweat it :)
- I'd live on a high rock too, I mean sure
- Love that Bobb. Fuck them Bobs when both wrap your dick. Bobb plus vago?! Whoa moma
- I go looking for hobbits to murder. Do I see any tracks? Where is the nearest shire?
- a boon for little erik my dear friend: you don't have to floss any more, not for the whole year.
- See, this is why gardening it's good. It helps u get used to being dirt