waiting for Saturday night to come amirite folks ????????? I've got da hump day blues
- could you check my stimulus? it's lookin real funky
- As you log into bloard you get up to grab a little snack 'fore you post. You come back and there is wet all over your bloard-accession devices. Upon *SIP* you realize aloud 'Aw sip, it's piss!'. This bloarding time will not be a nice one. I wish I had telepathy to communicate with underground grubs and insects
- im doing quite a bit of galloping and leaping, some whinnying also
- r同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同同a停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停停t铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜铜
- yesterday I threw up all over myself at a diner :)
- using my mammal brain to go poopies and give mammal brain
- I listen to colorado 88 when I want to shack my booty for 4 hours
- [youtube]Fua6PSz4-kY[/youtube]
- when I have enough money to get my girl chicken popcorn and french fries :)
- y'all 2020 goal ???? mine goal this year talk like jarr jarr bink.... term like misa, yusa, wesa
- [quote=Mister%20Spigetti;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloard-train-to-amsterdam%2Fposts%2F11763] So I just got on the train in Dusseldorf I'm going to Amsterdam with my friend. It's a connecting train from Stuttgart. So anyways I'mon the train and I start browsing bloard and I see something I've never seen before. A little bloard green square popped up on my screen and it said "15 Bloarders nearby!" so naturally I had toget up out of my seat on the train to Amsterdam and see who these bloarders were. I was walking around to the other train cars and I picked out all the classics that we know and love such as chernip, claire, the slow learner, and hell, even the bloardman himself as well as Swann. So naturally I went to go talk to them and shoot the shit on the train to Amsterdam but as soon as I approached them they put their phones away and pretended that they had never heard of bloard. I persisted for several minutes repeating all my favorite bits to them but they just got annoyed so I sat back down. Anyways I'm now dubbing this the bloard train to Amsterdam because of all the bloarders on the train and it's going to Amsterdam [/quote] dusseldorf is a cool city, I couldn't make the international bloard conference this year though :'/
- checkers fries are the best fast food option (I will go to checkers to sinply have a fry meal).... However the fastest food you can get is the fingernails on your own hand (It's within arms length folks, and can satiate you for a couple of minutes)
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgym_bloard%2Ftopics%2Fwelcum-to-gym-bloard%2Fposts%2F11705] what are your numbers now [/quote] For every 100 sets of 100 reps/100 reps of 100 sets I can siphon my energy into recieving one upbloard
- roof rack (also ruff rack would be a good dog name.... like steak knife)
- [youtube]zvwPMUGk6rQ[/youtube]