hey derek, get a load of this wednesday favorite...
- my legs are so freaking sore right now. i can barely walk. WTF
- I prefer to sit in bed for an hour or so after I wake up. The second I take my shower I'm movin
- I played Uncharted 4 after I got home from work. It's really late for me and I probably won't wake up until 5pm. That's the Kingdad life for you.
- Many people would like to know. Can you ever get too buff? Is this too buff? [img]http://2.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/71/64/785df94809c5173960e85fc81643dff5.jpg[/img] How about this? [img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.117.937.937/13561648_1579135349047711_27465582_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI5MDAzODY2Njg5OTI5MDk1Ng%3D%3D.2.c [/img] What do you guys think? Discuss it below please โบโบ
- [img]https://unomoralez.com/content/files/catalog2/source/garuda_1452561490.jpg[/img] Bloard can be a portal to the Bird Kingdom if you look hard enough.
- I'm about to go to bed. Gonna pick up a gaming console when I wake up so I can game harder than ever. That's just how it is on this bitch of an Earth.
- The SLAM button is one of the most important, if not the most important, things to address for this site. A minus button wouldn't even be necessary if we could slam the shit out of bad posts.
- I was invited by Cher and Barrack Obama, so I'll probably go.
- I cooked a steak and used olive oil and bit of butter, and then wanted to lift my kettlebell. POW! It slipped through my fingers and landed right on my big toe, which began to expand very quickly and turn red. It started to fill the entire room up, so I quickly ran outside. It then demolished my house and continued to grow. It then separated from my foot and flew out into outerspace. Some say, on certain nights, you can still see the glimmer of the sun's rays off of my big toe. Some call it Jupiter. I call it the big piggy.
- [quote=meatbot;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwhats-up%2Fposts%2F2010] you can get 35lbs of iron in the mail? lol. seriously tho I want iron to come to me in the mail [/quote] you can get like 70 pounds (maybe more!!), it just gets expensive lol. i felt bad for the dude who delivered my package though
- [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/30/81/4b3081a82a634c26af5c4e4f6a50baf3.jpg[/img]
- Nice, we got a dolphin on here now. I'm good, just getting ready for work. Gonna juice some produce so I can save time and not have to chew it. Also got another 35 pound kettlebell in the mail today. Going to bring the gym home with me so I can always be at the gym, while posting on Bloard!!!!
- whenever i'm feeling sad or angry i just go to the gym and work it all out i'm starting to buy gym equipment so i dont have to leave my house, although idk if that's a good thing or not.... o well!
- imstrongandpowerfulanddontneedvalidationbecauseimmyownhumanbeingandtheonlystrengthineedisinnerstrengthandpositivity59 EDIT: WTF!!! Guys this is NOT funny, you said it would filter!!
- Goosie is not Swann. Swann is one of a kind and unique, and this Goosie fellow is not him, clearly. Cripes you guys, it's driving me nuts that you could mistake the two.
- I can't believe Joop liked this after he admitted that he didn't care about Bloard. Then again, Joop seems like more of the positive, glass half-full type. Maybe he's just happy you realized you were wrong and came back to Bloard. Either way, don't ever do that again.
- i use my inner anger and rage to fuel my gym goings, unfortunately i'm a happy nice guy and that makes me a weak b3t4 male
- maknig friends is not easy, you have to leave your house and that s hardโต
- You're only applying to the Goatse focus groups. That's probably your issue here. Try doing one for a car, or bottled water or something. Always happy to Help. -KingDad42
- Two more days, Bloardies!! Muahahahaa!!!!๐๐๐
- That's right. I rule in this anarchic wasteland. The only rule is that I rule!!!!
- *horrible little goblin known as myself climbs out of the shadows* HeheheheHAHAHAHAAH!!! *coughs* Mmm, excuse me, just got a little bit excited there. I do, in fact, know the password to this "f", but it would be no fun if I simply gave you the answer right away. I shall give you three full Bloard Days to guess my name, and if you can't, I shall take away "f" to my horrible little cave forever!!! Ahahaahaha!!!!!!!!! [img]http://www.paulozelinsky.com/images/rumpelstiltskin_page/rump_fire.jpg[/img]
- my muscles atrophied. back to square one..
- Sie sind wieder auf der seltsamen Seite von Bloard.
- I agree with you, Joop. And you know what, they should all dope up. Let's get some insane as all hell Olympics going, with superhuman feats of strength!! Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!
- I'm very happy to have the opportunity to post with you all. *salutes*
- Good Work Bloard Man. Keep it up, and you could go higher. Perhaps.