i was in the first focus group in that commercial where they're showing how many years running they've won the jd power & associates trophy. here's what really happened: the walls kept sliding away until finally one slid away to reveal our very own posteriors, alerting everyone to the fact I had completely shat my pants when the first wall slid away
- I get 47 emails a day asking me to join focus groups, and I diligently fill out the survey every time, but all I even get in return is a link to goetse--no invite to the focus group. What are you doing right and I'm doing wrong?
- You're only applying to the Goatse focus groups. That's probably your issue here. Try doing one for a car, or bottled water or something. Always happy to Help. -KingDad42
- (singing sheepishly in a michael jackson style) i would like too halve a lemon party wiff u