You call people stupid bird brains you're going to get the pecker
- 9:30pm, but then I will likely play Shin megami tensei 4 until 11pm
- Prroof were Friends[quote=slow%20learner;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fnouveau-bloard%2Fposts%2F5814] thank you my friends jerry and derek [/quote]
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fplans-to-bring-in-more-bloard-users%2Fposts%2F5827] post a pic of your wife so we can look at her [/quote] [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2FbloaRP%2Ftopics%2Fpost-a-pick-of-you-re-gf%2Fposts%2F2238] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9T4dz2P.png[/img] [/quote]
- i caught my wife looking at bloard. its only a matter of time now
- I'd live on a high rock too, I mean sure
- They have the right idea. I want to be 4 inches tall and live in the refrigerator. I want to pirouette from button to button on the dual shock 4. I want to eat spaghetti off of a button and feel so carefree that I don't even mind that I'm losing at least half my noodles.
- Nice[quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Freal-talk-the-bloard-thread-with-a-strict-no-irony-policy%2Fposts%2F5647] #update [img]https://i.imgur.com/ipLTAOw.jpg[/img] [/quote]
- Nothin but Gaster [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fants-pro-or-con%2Fposts%2F5404] i want their legs gone too [/quote]
- no matter what side of the divide you're on vis-a-vis ants, you gotta hand it to em. they got a load of fucked up parts with hard to say names. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Scheme_ant_worker_anatomy-en.svg/880px-Scheme_ant_worker_anatomy-en.svg.png[/img]
- im feel especially retarted for not adding snooby sooner. or maybe he left ages ago i cant remember
- Seems like this thread was started to stir the drama cauldron...