BENifits: luigi odyssey; breath mint of the wild;
DrawBack: console look like a micro wave lmao
anyway thats me yall. have a good night
- it do be lookin like a michael wave
- It will be nice to have a good game to play on it some time. Mine is just setteing around watching the ps4 have all the fun rn
- you look like a fuckin poofter playing ity in public
- w00t! nintedo switch!! *does the numa numa dance*
- [quote=yoshifanatic1488;%2Fbloards%2FGameing%2Ftopics%2Fnintendo-switch-benefits-drawbacks%2Fposts%2F4854] you look like a fuckin poofter playing ity in public [/quote] i have an animal crossing themed 3ds that looks like girls panties
- they call it the nintendo switch because after you get it you go back to the store and switch it for a ps4
- nintendo Switch Your Console to antoher one ....
- nintendo switch because if you start workin' that sass mouth at me, boy, I'll fuckin whip your ass with it