who here has the smallest cums,
- i have no sperm inside my cums. got the ol 'sectomy so now i can cum all iver the place
- https://www.nofap.com/
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Ftiny-cumshots%2Fposts%2F2616] i have no sperm inside my cums. got the ol 'sectomy so now i can cum all iver the place [/quote] yeah, but he said smallest cums, not least amount of sperm. i'm unable to cum because i'm on day 10,786 of nofap
- (hunkering down backwards on a wheelie chair and slowly rolling down a San Franciscan hillside [read: steep]) yes I'm Berk Odis, creator and founder of /no fap/ , and I , like billions of you out htere, have recently broken a 20,000 day streak. now i know what you're thinking: "Berk, the average human only lives 27,375 days, how will you top your streak????????" my anser is simple: by killeing myself. Goodebye,